Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


January 25…same day…

(I highly suggest that you listen to All of Me by Matt Hammitt when you read this…put it on replay)

            “What…?” Liam whispered.

“I’m so sorry”

“What do you mean she was never meant to survive?!” Zayn shouted.

“The amount of power and strength it took Lexi to kill Merle should have killed her on the spot, it’s a miracle she’s even breathing right now. We always knew that the protector would die. She was the universe’s protector, it needed her to restore balance, that’s probably why she survived for so long. It was keeping her alive until she could fulfill her purpose. The universe no longer needs her now that Merle is gone…”

“You knew?! You KNEW?! And you didn’t tell us?!” Niall screamed in fury.

“Niall, it was for the best. If we told you, would you let her do it?” Conrad demanded.

“No. I would never”

“Exactly. She needed to do this, the fate of all of mankind rested on her shoulders. If we didn’t let her do this, there would be no one to stop Merle. There was no other option!”

“There’s always an option” Niall growled.

“She’s only nineteen years old! She’s barely lived for fucks sake and you sent her to her death!” Louis yelled.

“Please, you have to understand, if we thought there was another way, don’t you think we would have told you? We love Lexi too” Paul told us.

“You said that it’s a miracle even she’s breathing right? You said she should have died right on the spot. Well, that just proves it. Lexi is different. She can survive this, just like she’s survived everything else!” I yelled, as tears streaked down my cheeks.

Paul and Conrad looked at each other doubtfully. Conrad shook his head “She was a fighter, but I really believe that this was her last fight” he said.

“Don’t talk about her like she’s already gone! She’s still alive! And that means there’s still a chance! She CAN’T die!” I cried in agony.

“Harry, the universe can only save her life so many times” Paul said

“I don’t want to hear this fucking crap about the God damn universe! The universe isn’t the one who sent her to fucking die! This is your fault! I could have saved her! I could have defeated Caroline! It SHOULD have been me! She doesn’t deserve to die!”

“Harry, please, calm down”

“CALM DOWN?! You’re asking me to calm down?! You just told me that the love of my entire fucking existence is going to die! DO NOT TELL ME TO FUCKING CALM DOWN! She’s not dying! I don’t care what the fucking universe says, I am not losing her now. Not after all we’ve been through together”

With that, I stormed off and headed back to my room. I stopped in front of the door and took a second to compose myself.

I pushed open the door to see Fidelity, Caleb and little Kayla staring at me, wide-eyed.

I looked over to Lexi, tears streamed down her colorless cheeks. “I’m dying?” she whispered.

“No. You are not dying babe” I said, rushing to her side.

“We’re not letting you die” I looked up to see the rest of the boys making their way over to us. They were all teary eyed too. Kayla ran to Louis and he picked her up.

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