Chapter 9

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 (Just a heads up, this chapter kinda sucks.)

Chapter 9

May 15

Lexi’s POV

I woke up in an all too familiar room in an all too familiar bed, I knew I was in the hospital, I just had no idea how I got there. I looked over to my left and saw Kayla sleeping in the bed next to me which only comforted me a little. There were flowers and balloons and little gifts and card everywhere. There was hardly any room left to walk in here.

“Kayla.” I croaked, my throat was dry and raspy. I looked down at the nightstand beside my table and saw a cup of water and a piece of paper with writing on it, I leaned over to get it and gasped in extreme pain. That’s when I remembered everything taht had happened. “Oh God.” I gasped, pushing down my blankets and pulling up my shirt, and sure enough, there was a bandage right over the place where I was shot. I didn’t want to be here, I hated this place, and this is probably the same hospital where my mother died. I couldn’t let Kayla see me in this bed, I wouldn’t let her experience this all over again. First my mother, now me, no, I refused, one was enough. I tried sitting up again, only to cause myself more pain.

“Oh! You’re awake!” I heard a woman say.

I looked over to see a familiar face.

“Nurse May! I have to get out of this bed! Help me!” I said to her.

“What?! No, you have to stay in bed! You’re no where near well enough to start moving around on your own!” She said giving me a worried look and gently pushing me back down.

“But Kayla, I can’t let her see me in this bed! Not after what happened!”

“Alexis, honey, she’s already seen you, she was fine, don’t you remember anything from yesterday?” She asked.

“Of course I remember yesterday! How could I not?! I was shot yesterday for crying out loud!” I exclaimed, trying to keep my voice low so as not to disturb Kayla.

“Honey, that was two days ago.” She said quietly.

“What?! What day is it? What time is it?!” I asked a little louder this time. 

“It’s May 15, and it is ten thirty.” She said looking at her watch. “You’ve been asleep for a little over a day. You woke up yesterday for a second though too. Don’t you remember? Some boys were in your room, waiting for you to wake up, you know the famous boys from the concert you were at yesterday, they were really nice and Kayla loved them, but when you woke up you freaked out on them and then lost consciousness. You ripped a couple of stitches in the process, the doc wasn’t too happy about that.” She joked. “You’re all better now though!”

“Boys?! What boys?!” I asked, surprised.

“Those boys from that band, uhm, One Direction, I believe is their name, they were all really worried about you, about both of you. It was really quite sweet.”

“Oh...What? Why would they be here?”

“Oh! That’s right I guess you wouldn’t know, seeing as you lost consciousness after you were shot and haven’t really woken up since.” She pulled up a chair next to my bed and continued, taking a deep breath “Okay, I’ll tell you what the police told me. So, after you were shot, two of the boys ran from the stage to you, one of them picked you up and carried you to the waiting paramedics, and the other took your sister. Apparently the crowd was insane and everyone was amazed at how quickly they reached you. You were losing a lot of blood and I’m sorry to say that you might not have made it if they hadn’t acted so quickly, they may have saved your life. When you first got here it was just the two boys that saved you that were with you, a little while after, however three more boys came in, accompanied by one man, who I believe was their bodyguard and three policemen.” She said. She also explained that the bullet hit Kayla, but that she was fine.

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