Chapter 11

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Toni finished putting makeup on my bruise on my neck. "Can't believe him." I said pissed. "Well be to fair, I did warn you that he's not exactly a gentle person." "I don't need to hear your 'I told you so' Toni." She laughed, "Chill Em, I'm only kidding." I nervously laughed at Toni's comment. "You look like nothing happened." Toni said. We both left the bathroom and I was determined to find Sweet Pea. I saw him talking to Fangs, close by was some of the Bulldogs including Reggie, I didn't care if I would make a scene.

"Hey asshole!" I shouted. Sweet Pea turned around. "Em." "We need to talk. NOW. And I sure as HELL ain't asking for permission." The Bulldogs and Fangs were all in shock. "Emerald." "Shut up! Let's go!" I looked sternly at him not afraid of him. "Fine." He finally broke. I grabbed his hand and lead him to another room. "You ass!" "Em calm down what happened?" "The friggin' bruise you left on my neck! You didn't think I'd notice?!" "Okay Em, Listen to me. I didn't know Okay? I was not trying to be rough, I promise." I rolled my eyes. "You have any idea how friggin' PISSED I am?!" "Okay Em, I never meant to hurt you." "Tell that to the hickey on my neck asshole!" "EMERALD!" He shouted out his hands on my shoulders. "God Sweet Pea What if my parents find out?! What then?! What If freaking Hiram Lodge puts a hit on you?!" "Emerald calm down." "I'm trying Sweet Pea! But this..." "Emerald. Calm down. Or we can't have a civilized conversation and talk about this, without causing any damn scenes." "I couldn't help myself, plus it was either that or just waiting until your alone but I'm not patient." "I figured." He said rolling his eyes. "You cannot roll you eyes at me, you gave me a frickin' bruise, by the way, you're so damn lucky Toni carried her makeup everywhere." He chuckled and smiled at me, "Anyone ever tell you you're cute when you're mad?" He said smirking. "Do not try to trick me Sweet Pea." "Trick you?" "Fine, don't try to flirt with me, I'm trying to be pissed." "You're doing a bad job." "Oh please. I've called you an ass in front of the Bulldogs I wouldn't mind doing it again?" He laughed. "I'm serious though, the hell?! If my parents find out about this Sweet Pea." "Why do you worry about your parents so much?" "Hello! Have you met them? Heriome and Hiram LODGE, mobsters?!" "Okay Em, I'm not stupid."

"So am I forgiven?" "No..." "Oh Cmon Em, can't ignore me forever." "I'll try." I said patting his cheek and walking out. "Stone cold bitch." He whispered to himself. "I heard you, you ass." I shouted back. I walked past the Bulldogs hangout. Reggie walked away to cut me off, "Lodge." "Mantle." "So what's your beef with that Serpent?" "Nothing he's just an ass." "Aren't they all?" I laughed at his comment. "But for real Lodge, you have a history with them. Well like a small one." "He just did something that's an asshole move." "What'd He Do hm?" "Me to know and for you to find out." I said touching his nose and walking away. I was certainly being a lot colder to everyone.

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