Chapter 30

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~~The School Dance~~

All of us got over to Cheryl's house to finish getting ready and changing. "Aww Cheryl you look amazing." Toni said going to hug her girlfriend. "Thanks TT." She said. "You look amazing too TT."

"Oh Em..!" Veronica said clasping her hands together. "What Veronica?" "You look great!" She said running to hug me. "You look great to Ron." I said smiling. Betty came in the room with all four of us. "B!" Veronica said, "You look great." She smiled. "Veronica you told that to everyone." "Because you all look great. Can't be like you look okay, you look good, amazing, great." Betty laughed and hugged Veronica. "So!" Cheryl said clasping her hands. "Who's ready for the damn dance?" We all smiled and nodded in agreement. We all grabbed our things and left.

We talked and laughed until we got to the school with the guys patiently waiting outside. "Alright guys Cher and I are gonna split." Toni said. "Bye Toni Bye Cheryl." We all said. The two of them linked arms and went inside. The three of us got to the doors, "Hey man me and Keller are going too." Fangs whispered to Sweet Pea. "Bro don't leave." Sweet Pea whispered back. "Bro I'm leaving, I don't need to see this awkward feast when your girlfriend comes." Fangs said patting his back. "Fangs...!" "Bye man." Archie said turning around waving to Kevin. "Bye Arch." "Archiekins!" Veronica said hugging her boyfriend. "You look amazing Ronnie." Veronica smiled and kissed her boyfriend. "Hey Jug..." "Yeah don't worry just wait till Sweet Pea sees Em." The four of them looked at us. "So.." I whispered. "You look great Emerald." "Wow for once you actually said my real name." I joked. "Oh shut up." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. I glanced over at Team Varchie and Team Bughead. "What waiting for like nuke?" I asked. The four of them looked back at each other. I looked back at Sweet Pea, "I think they were expecting something different." I smiled at him and kissed him. "Ha! Tonight I'm actually almost your height." He laughed and put his arm around me. "Oh but only for one night shorty." "Let me have this." I said playfully punching his shoulder.

The six of us walked in the gym and looked around. Jughead grabbed my arm, "Mind if I steal my sister?" "No go ahead Jones." Jughead brought me to an empty corner. "What Jug?" "Dads getting out. There's a possibility you can come home." "Shut up!" "No, him and I talked and we can get you home Em." I laughed and hugged him. "I can't believe this..." "me either Em." We smiled at each other. "What happened before you left..." "Jug, it's in the past. It's gone. We can only remember it if we chose too. I just want to be your older sister again." He smiled and hugged me again. "Ready to go back to your boyfriend?" "Please." I smiled and put my arm around him.

We got back to our group and went into the dance together. "What did Jug tell you?" Sweet Pea asked. "I can come home." I said looking up at him. "What? Em that's amazing!" He said hugging me. "Dads getting out too." "Em..." Sweet Pea said pulling away from the hug. "Yeah?" "Look." He said pointing to the shadows. "Is that..." "Charlie." "God Why the hell is he here?" I asked. "I don't know Em." "And the Bulldogs are looking at us fishy again." Sweet scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You take Charlie, I'll do the Bulldogs." I whispered softly. "Oh I'm so down." Sweet Pea whispered back. "Good luck." I said walking to the punch table, where the Bulldogs were. "Hey asses." I said pouring a drink. "What Lodge?" Reggie asked. "Nice suit. It'll be a shame if this punch got on it hm?" "You wouldn't." "You're right. I wouldn't. So can you stop stalking me and my boyfriend?" "Sure Lodge Whatever." Reggie started walking away. "Reggie wait." I said smirking. "One more thing." I said splashing the drink him, "I would." I said walking away. I could hear the Bulldogs laughing and snickering at him. I met up with Sweet Pea again. "Good?" He asked. "Good." I said looking at Reggie franticly wiping the punch off of his suit. "Actually it's super funny." Sweet Pea looked up and Reggie. "That's cold." "Fitting since the punch was cold too." I joked looking back at him.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. The gym door bust open and everyone looked at the door in worry and shock. FP walked though the door with his Serpent jacket over his shoulder. "Holy crap!" Jughead yelled, "Dad?!" I stood in shock Jughead ran over to me and grabbed my arm and we both ran to hug our father. "Dad!" I said softly. "There's my emerald." He smiled and hugged me and Jughead. "I missed you both." "They let you out early?" "On parole yeah." I smiled and wiped some tears of joy. FP looked at me and knelt down. "And Em... you get to come home." I gasped in shock and hugged my father. Betty, Archie, Veronica, and Sweet Pea walked over. "Sweet Pea?" FP asked. "What're you doing here?" "Dad... he's my date." I said calmly looking at Sweet Pea. FP looked down at me and laughed. "You? And him? Together?" He laughed and had a sudden mood change. "I swear to god Sweet Pea, if you hurt her." "Okay dad." I said standing between them. Cheryl, Toni, Fangs, and Kevin came over. "Dad?!" Kevin and Cheryl said in unison.

The dance was over and all of us went outside with FP. "Wait Em's leaving?" Veronica asked. "Yes Veronica. And tell Mr. Lodge to go to hell for what he did to my daughter." "Wait you know what he did?" Jughead asked. "Attorney McCoy told me." Kevin and Cheryl left because they had curfew. I looked up at my dad and he looked down at me. "I'm sorry what he did to you Em." "It's okay Dad.." I said hugging him. "Jug, you ready to go?" FP asked. "Yeah dad, is Em coming?" "Em?" FP asked. "I think I'll spend one more night with Sweet Pea." I said looking at him, he smiled at me and I smiled back. "Don't do anything stupid." FP said looking dead at Sweet Pea. "Dad, it's okay." "Yeah you say that but tomorrow you'll be pregnant." I laughed at my dads comments. "Oh my god." Toni said putting her face in her hands. "Wow dad!" Jughead said.

Sweet Pea and I got back to his trailer. I threw my stuff down at started taking off my earrings. I let out a soft sigh as I took off my neckless. "Something wrong?" Sweet Pea asked. "Nothing. I just can't wait to go home." "Yeah, but your dad seems like he's made it his personal mission to be our cockblocker." I laughed softly, "What about Toni?" "Assistant?" I laughed and kissed him. "Hmm... you're short again." "Oh wow!" I shouted laughing. He kissed me and I pressed both hands against the sink as he kissed me. He reached down to my legs and lifted me up, allowing me to sit on the sink. "Wait." He pulled away. "What?" I asked. "Phone off?" "Honestly I don't even know where my phone is in my bag." "Door locked?" "I think." He kissed me again, he carried me away from the sink and into the bedroom. "That's some great multitasking." "It's a skill." We fell back on the bed and Sweet Pea's phone started ringing. "Are you kidding me?!" He reached over to answer it. He pressed the green button and put Toni on speaker. "Yes Topaz?!" "Hey Sweet Pea. I just called to be your cockblocker. FP put me up to it. Anyways Em's not answering her phone so I figured you went smart and turned it off so I called you since no one calls you. And I also called to remind you not to do anything stupid. Bye!" She hung up and we both looked at each other. "I'll give you 20 dollars if she calls again." He told me. "Deal." I said kissing him again. He ran his hand up my back to unzip my dress. Sweet Pea's phone started ringing again. "Crap I might give you 20 dollars." I laughed as he answered his phone and put it on speaker. "Sweet Pea! Hey it's Toni again. Yeah again I'm calling you to be your cockblocker. So enjoy your night. Expect another call." She hung up. "40?" He asked. "No backing out." I said kissing him. "I can do that." He slid my dress of of me and I used my hands to take off his suit. His phone started ringing again he answers it and put it on speaker. "WOW you didn't turn off your phone yet. Impressed. Anyways. I'm here to be your cockblocker. So enjoy your night I hope I'm annoying you." Toni hung up. "Damn you owe me 40 buck." He turned off his phone and turned to face me. "Do I?" He said kissing me.

"Ha! He finally turned off his phone." Toni told Cheryl as Toni put her phone on the nightstand and faced her girlfriend. "That was really annoying." Cheryl said, "And it didn't even happen to me."

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