The Zoo

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Ryleigh and I have been married for a month now. It's been a hell of a good month, although Ryleigh's been acting weird lately. I asked her if she was on her period and she slapped me so she's either on her period or something else. I walked into the house I've been working on my next album I think it's going to be fucking fire. Ryleigh was sitting with Rastus watching a baby show.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Hi love!" She said.

I smiled as I walked up to her kissing her, she smiled kissing me back.

"How's you're day been?" I asked.

"Good I got a lot done today for once." She responded.

"That's awesome baby! Want me to take Rastus for a little bit?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." She said.

I grabbed Rastus from her and held him in my arms kissing the top of his head. Ryleigh got up shortly after, stretching once she was standing up. I kissed her again, she smiled softly as did I. Rastus turned 3 months old today, he just keeps growing its crazy, I posted a picture on Instagram.

 Rastus turned 3 months old today, he just keeps growing its crazy, I posted a picture on Instagram

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Liked by RyPost, rriproarin, jodiepost, vindiesel, and 11M others

postmalone Three months today. This little boy is gonna be a chick magnet.
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jodiepost He stole my heart already.
Username1 can our kids have a play date
3 minutes ago

I saw Ryleigh out of the corner of my eye, leaning against the wall with a smile on her face.

"You're really good with him." Ryleigh said.

"Well he is my son, so I would hope that I was good with him." I responded.

"You're an ass." She told me.

I laughed as I picked Rastus up. I kissed her passionately again. Rastus laughed. I tickled him as he continued to laugh.

"What do you wanna do today baby." I questioned.

"Can we take Rast to the zoo?" She asked.

"Sure we can baby." I said.

She smiled kissing me again. We packed up Rast's diaper bag and put him in his car seat. We walked out to the car, Rast's stroller was already in the car. Ryleigh got into the passengers seat as I put Rastus in the backseat. I got into the car and started it. I played one of the CDs that my parents had gotten Rastus. We started our drive to the zoo. While we were driving I grabbed Ryleigh's hand, running my thumb over her knuckles. We got to the zoo, I parked the car. Ryleigh and I got out of the car I got Ryde out minutes after. Once Rast was out I got his stroller and set him in it. Ryleigh got Rast's diaper bag, she threw it over her shoulder and grabbed my hand. We started to walk around the zoo, we went to see the seals first. We walked all over the zoo, I got Rast a giant stuffed lion and I got Ryleigh a giant stuffed giraffe. Her favorite animal. She smiled as I gave it to her. We continued to walk around the zoo for hours, we went home around four pm.

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