I'm Sorry

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Austin and I sat inside, he was playing with Rastus. Rastus just seemed very happy. It was almost two weeks that I ignored Austin. I was still pretty angry but I missed him and I felt like Rastus missed him.

"I'm still angry at you." I bluntly said.

"What?" He said.

He had Rast on top of his thigh bouncing him lightly, as he looked at me.

"I'm still angry at you." I repeated.

"Yeah but why." He asked.

"Because you fucked another bitch while Rastus and I were home." I answered.

"I'm sorry baby." He said.

"Okay but why. Why did you do what you did?" I asked.

"I was fucking drunk, like really drunk. Quavo fucked me up. Next thing I knew was that this bitch had come on to me." He replied.

"You didn't need to bring her back to the house and fuck her Austin. You weren't that drunk to forget that you had a family at home." I said. I was getting angry.

"Ryleigh I didn't mean too, while we weren't talking I didn't talk to anyone else I promise you, you're the only girl I fucking love. I wouldn't have asked you to marry me, if I didn't love you Ryleigh I probably wouldn't be here now. You are the only woman I love. You're so fucking strong let me tell you, I would still be crying if I lost my dad. I love you so much Ryleigh Nova. I can't explain how much I love you. I fucked up I get it and you're angry, I get it. Ryleigh I need you in my life, you know you mean more to me than any one of these bitches. I can't express how sorry I am. I love you too death Ryleigh don't forget that." He told me.

He had one of his hands cupped around my face. Rast was asleep so Austin put him in his rocker. I watched as he did after he did that he cupped both of his hands around my face and looked into my eyes. I must have been crying because he wiped them away.

"What are we gonna do if this happens again Austin you've done it in the past." I said quietly.

"What you mean that girl I kissed on the cheek when we were on tour?" He questioned.

I nodded my head.

"She was a long time friend, I knew her in high school she moved to Cleveland right after high school. She's nothing but a friend, she'll never be anything more than a friend, her name is Melissa." He replied.

I felt kind of stupid now, knowing that she was just a friend of his. Some of my guy friends that I've known for years did the same thing. I dropped my head. He picked it up with his fingers to make me look at him.

"Hey look at me, I'm sorry okay. I'm so so sorry Ryles I never meant to hurt you." He finished.

He pulled me into a hug, I hugged him back we stayed like this for a while it felt good. It felt like everything was slowly going back to normal.

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