Chapter two

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•Next Day•

•Vienna's P.O.V•

I looked at the sheet in front of me, with a pen in my hand as I began to fill it in, writing what happened yesterday to Neymar.

One of the cons of being a physiotherapist, have to fill out a form whenever the players get hurt on the pitch.

Which is kind of stupid in one way because you weren't actually present when they got hurt but have to do it for the job.

Neymar walked into the room along with Coutinho and Jesus. Coutinho sat himself on the edge of bed with his hand resting on his lap as Neymar sat himself on the chair in front of me.

Jesus began to wonder around the room, I looked up and looked at them. "Yes?"

Now you are thinking, how am I not dying just yet? Well at first when I came, I tried my best not to show it but I did when Saurez's arm reflexed in front of me but I learned to control it.

"What are you doing there?"Coutinho asked as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Fuck sake, is that a stain on my shirt?"Neymar asked as he looked at his shirt, pulling it a little to see what it was.

I rolled my eyes and pointed the end of my pen at Neymar as I looked at Coutinho. "Filling in this idiota's form about yesterday."

Then I heard a clatter of things falling onto the floor only to see it was Jesus. He looked at me with a smile on his face. "I'll pick them up."

"You have no another choice not to."I said as I looked at him with a glare. "I sorted this place out in the morning."

"The match wasn't even here yesterday."Neymar said as he looked at me. "So what did you have to clean up?"

"Shouldn't you be worried about the stain you're got? Pep is gunna kill you for it."

Neymar rolled his eyes at me. "Pep won't know, I'll use something called a washing machine if you haven't heard of it."

"There's something called a shower which you are in need of."

Coutinho let out a soft chuckle. "Where did you disappear off to yesterday though?"

"Did you go to dinner with Ramos?"Neymar asked with a questioning look on his face.

"Man leave her alone."Jesus said as he looked at them.

Thank gosh, finally something sensible came out of his mouth.

"We all know where she was."Jesus said with a smirk on his face as he looked at me. "Disappeared off with Ramos to a little somewhere."

I looked at him. "How many fucking times Jesus? Me and Ramos are friends! Amigos!"

"Someone is getting a bit too annoyed."Jesus said as he looked at me.

"You are going to get something thrown at you in a mintue, you can kiss that fugly face of yours goodbye."

He let out a gasp, his hand touching his chest acting as if he was hurt. "That really hurt vi."

"But where did you go?"Coutinho asked as he looked at me. "We were looking for you, Casemiro went to your hotel room too."

"I just wanted some time alone."I replied as I looked at them. "Thanks for being worried but you really don't need to be."

"It's one of our jobs."Neymar said with a soft chuckle. "You look after us, we look after you. It goes both ways."

"I don't know about you guys but she never looks after me."Jesus said with a frown on his face.

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