Chapter Thirty

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Next Day.

Coutinho's P.O.V

I felt a pat on my back, I let out a small groan and opened my eyes to see a nurse stood in front of me with a worried expression on her face.

"I'm really sorry to wake you but there are people outside."She said as she looked at me. "They wanted to come in but we can't allow them."

I rubbed my eyes and looked at her. "I'll be right out there."

She nodded and quickly left the room, I sat myself up on the chair and looked at Neymar who was on the other side of Vienna with Sergi next to him with his head on his shoulder.

I got up after a few seconds and stood up, I picked up a tissue and screwed it into a ball and chucked it at them.

It landed on Sergi's head, both didn't even wake up.

I walked over to them and flicked their cheeks, only for them to wake up with groans louder then ever.

"Why the fuck do you think you are doing?"Sergi asked as he rubbed his cheek. "Urgh, Coutinho!"

"I think they've come, the nurse woke me up."I replied as I rolled my eyes at them. "So get your lazy asses up."

Neymar looked at me with a face full of hatred then got up. "I hate you sometimes, I swear."

"Hate me all you want, we need to go outside."

"I don't even get why they are here for."Sergi mumbled as he got up and began to walk to the door.

I looked at Vienna for a few seconds then I turned around and left the room.

We walked into the waiting room to see them all sat there with the face of worry which seemed to have ate them all.

Zabdiel got up and looked at me. "How is she?"

"She's stable."I replied as my hand was in my pocket. "We'll know when the doctors come in an hour."

"I don't get it, what happened?"Erick asked as he bit his lip.

"No one knows, her neighbour saw her from her window on the floor then she came here."Neymar replied as he let out a sigh.

Chris got up from his seat and walked over to the window, looking outside distracting himself from the situation.

"But what's wrong? Is it pressure to her brain? What is it?"Richard asked as he looked at us with worry.

"She's in a coma, they are trying to figure out a way first of how to bring her out of it."Sergi explained as he looked down at the floor. "They need her out of a coma before anything because its bad if she doesn't come out."

Then silence sat itself in the waiting room.

"Can I ask you guys one thing?"Neymar asked as he looked at them.

"Yeah?"Joel replied as he looked at Neymar.

"Why are you guys here for? I know it sounds rude but it's just a question all of us are thinking."Neymar asked as he looked at them. "You guys hardly even knew her."

Zabdiel let out a sigh and looked at us. "We grew up with her, I was her best friend and then one day; we had to leave and then she left for Italy."

"We never saw her again until her dad passed away, she never uttered a word to us or anything."Erick added as he looked down at his hands.

"We didn't know what we did, honestly we don't. For gosh sakes, I'm her half brother and she cut ties off with me."

"You are her half brother? How?"Sergi asked with astounded look on his face.

I looked at Sergi. "We are not going to tell you the whole reproduction cycle, let Richard finish."

"She only said she had one brother but she never knew where he ended up. And she also had two dads."Sergi answered as he looked at me.

"Yeah that's true."

"Andres, no one knows where he is either."Richard said as he let out a sigh then looked up at us. "My mum was best friends with her dads therefore my mum did it for them."

"Okay if you guys grew up with her everything, did she have any people she would be romantically interested in?"Neymar questioned with a look on his face.

I nudged him to shut up because she wouldn't want this out in the open.

Chris turned over his shoulder and looked at us. "Why?"

"Nothing."I replied as I looked at him. "Neymar likes her and he loves being nosy as he can be."

Marc walked into the room, he looked at them and back at me. "What's going on?"

"Where the hell have you been?"Sergi asked as he looked at him. "You and Jesus love running off and never give us any notice."

"I was at Eric's, I had to clear my head for a few hours."Marc replied but I knew he was lying.

I looked at them. "You guys can see her, Neymar and Sergi will take you."

Then they all left, leaving me and Marc alone.

"What's going on? Why are they here for?"Marc asked as he looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"More like I should ask you that shouldn't I?"


"I'm not stupid, I've noticed it for the past few weeks too."I said as I looked at him. "You and Vienna, are you together or what's going on?"

Marc let out a sigh, he sat down on the chair his face buried into his hands.


He moved the hands away from his face, his eyes brimmed with tears. "Yeah we are, she made everything better and we were planning to tell you guys but this happened."

"So is that kid yours?"

Marc nodded. "Well I want it to be and I hope it is."

I looked at him. "I get it, I really do."

"Just don't tell the rest."

"I won't."

Then we heard a noise, me and Marc looked at each other.

"Who was that?"Marc asked as he looked at the door.

"Probably a nurse or something."I replied as I looked at him but both of us didn't believe that.

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Thanks for reading x

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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