Chapter Fourteen

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Chris's P.O.V•

"I love this place!"Eden exclaimed as she threw her arms in the air, waving them around. "It's amazing!"

"Well we all know who's going to be moving to Spain in the next few months."Erick said as he let out a soft chuckle.

Eden's eyes lit up and looked at Hannah with a massive grin on her face. "Mummy, can we please move here?"

Hannah looked at Eden then looked at Richard. "Your daughter wants to ask you something."

Richard looked up from his phone and looked at Eden. "What is it my Carnio?"

Eden jumped on her father's lap and looked down at her father's phone. "Daddy, why are you looking at the Nou camp online for?"She asked as she looked up at him. "We are going to be there in an hour."

"Oh someone is really excited today."Erick said as he wiggled his eyebrows, giving a little nudge to Fede to join with him.

Fede nodded and grinned. "Only an hour left.."

Richard rolled his eyes at the both of them. "Shut up you madrian, don't be a jealous div just because we aren't going to Real Madrid stadium."

Erick let out a scoff. "I like Barça myself, I never said anything about that but so what if I like Madrid? They are good too."

Richard rolled his eyes once more and looked back down at his phone with Eden in his arms.

I let out a chuckle as I looked at Erick. "That's a new one."

Erick turned in his stool and looked at me. "Be quiet crisps, I've got a few things on you."

I looked at Hannah. "What's wrong with these guys? I swear they are snappy at everything today."

"Well I'm not."Fede replied as he put his hand in the air. "It's just them two."

Joel walked into the kitchen, he sat himself next to Erick and looked at us. "Morning."

"Morning."We all said at different times to Joel.

Hannah looked at Joel with a smile on her face. "What do you want for breakfast then?"

Joel shrugged his shoulders. "I don't mind, anything will do."

"Well have a slice of toast because we've gotta get going."Hannah said as she looked at Joel then she looked at me. "Please go and wake up Zabdiel along with Riki."

I nodded. "Yeah sure."

I walked out of the kitchen and walked upstairs, I walked to Riki's room and knocked on the door. "Riki! Wake up!"

"He's in the bathroom tio."Ada said as she stood behind me.

I turned around and looked at her, the back of her hand rubbed her eyes then she looked at me and let out a yawn.

I knelt down to her side and looked at her with a smile on her face. "Still tired?"

She nodded. "I was up last night tio, I was in a lot of pain last night."

"Aw my baby, you are a tough cookie aren't you?"I said as I let out a soft chuckle and poked her cheeks. "After we do this tour thing, I'll take you out to ice cream."

Ada nodded once again then she pulled me into a hug, we hugged each other then I pulled away from the hug with a massive grin on my face.

"I'm supposed to wake up tio Zabdiel, do you want to help me?"

She smiled and nodded eagerly. "Yes! Are we going to throw water on him this time?"

"We'll see."

I stood up and took a hold of her hand then we walked to Zabdiel's room, I opened the door and we walked in to see him sleeping on the bed and his snores filling up the room.

I let out a soft chuckle, my mind flash backing to what Vienna used to say about Zabdiel snoring.

Then a frown appeared on my face to the memory of her.


"You guys go, we'll be there."I said as I looked at them. "Go in."

Riki nodded. "Yeah, we won't be long."

They all nodded then left to the next room, I looked at Riki who had a worried expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you?"I asked as I put my hands in my pockets. "Nervous about meeting the players or something?"

Riki looked at me and let out a chuckle. "Yeah that's what it is, I'm nervous about seeing the players."

"I never had you down for a Barça fan, I thought you more Juventus or Roma."

"It's kind of hard not to be a Barça fan when they have so many good players."Riki said with nervous shrug of his shoulder.


Then beads of sweat appeared on Riki's face, I looked at him with a look. "Are you sure you are okay? Because you look mere terrified then ever."

Before Riki could answer, a girl walked over to us with a massive smile on her face.

She handed me two badges. "I hope you enjoy your day."She said as her eyes were focused onto me, her big brown eyes and her blonde fair hair.

"T-Thank you."

Riki looked at her. "Where's the bathroom?"

"On the right."She replied then Riki quickly ran to the bathroom leaving me without any explaintion.

I looked at her with a smile on my face. "What's your name then?"

"Shannon, I'm pep's daughter but I'm helping out for the day."She replied with a chuckle, her cheeks slowly turning red.

"I'm Chris-"

She cut me off. "I'm sorry but I know who you are."

"Thanks, I guess."I said as my hand rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well your friend should hurry up because the tour will be starting."She said with another chuckle.

Riki came less than a few mintues then we walked into the room only to see her stood there, her gaze met mine but then she looked down at the floor.

She was here all along...


I looked at Shannon. "Give me your number, we can hang out sometime."


I nodded. "Yeah."

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and handed it to her, she put her number in as Joel yelled my name.

She handed me back my phone, I kissed her cheek and looked at her. "Adios, I'll see you soon."

I left the building, sat in the car with all the shouting and yelling going on.

Ada looked at me with a scared expression on her face, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to myself.


I hope you enjoyed it, you'll know what happens next chapters and I'll do that very soon.

Hope you enjoyed it

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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