Chapter Sixteen

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Few hours later.

•Vienna's P.O.V•

I brought my hands to cover my face as the tears trickled down my face, I let out a sniff knowing I truly fucked up everything for myself.

I fucked up the family I had well I did that ages ago didn't I?

I kissed Sergi who probably is confused as fuck and feels used after me running out after a few mintues it happened.

But that's what I do isn't it?

Running away.

Chris is right about me, I just run don't I?

"Vienna?"Marc's voice boomed in the room, hearing him walking closed to me.

He sat himself next to me, his hand rested on my knee, slowly rubbing my knee."Vienna? C'mon, talk to me."

"Please leave me alone."

"Did you honestly think we are going to leave you alone?"Coutinho's voice appeared in the room.

My fingers moved apart from each other to see Coutinho knelt down in front of me, looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Vienna, please speak to us."Marc said with a pleading look on his face, showing his face a little to me.

"Move the hands away."Coutinho said as he looked at me.

"G-Guys, I know what you are trying to d-do."

"Please."Marc and Coutinho said with a puppy look on their faces.

I moved my hands away, I looked at them with my red puffy eyes, brimming with tears.

The tears slowly trickled down my face, Coutinho brought his thumbs to my face and wiped my tears away. "Don't shed anymore tears please."

"Ive ruined everything."I said as I looked at him, my band resting on my chin. "It's all my fault, this is all because of me, I fucked up things over there and I've fucked up things here with us, by kissing Sergi."

"You did a Sergi a favour by kissing him."Marc said in an jokey tone. "Those crusty ass lips of his needed a taste of someone's."

Coutinho threw Marc a look then looked at me. "Those people that came today, whoever they were, they surely seem something of your past and if you've done so much to keep yourself away from whatever reason you did then that was your choice and nothing to do with them."

He took a hold of my hand, his thumb slowly rubbed my knuckles."Because it's your life, you live it how you want to. That one in the glasses were was told wrong about you, you don't need them in your life nor do you need to prove anything to them."

"You mean something to us, half of us don't even know how to function properly without you."Marc said with a soft chuckle as he looked at me. "Remember that day when you were sick?"

I let out a soft chuckle, my mind flash-backing to that memory.

"Vi, please don't ever get sick again."Jesus said as he put a blanket over me.

I let out a cough and rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah because it's my fault."

All eyes looked at Denis, he looked at them and shrugged his shoulders. "What?"

"You gave her the flu didn't you?"Thiago said as he rolled his eyes. "Now she's sick."

"How?"Denis said with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Maybe if you covered your mouth when you coughed or blew in a tissue when you sneezed?"Sergi said with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Yeah instead of coughing in our faces especially vi now she's sick."Thiago said as he rolled his eyes.

"C'mon this isn't Denis's fault, everyone gets sick."Messi said as he looked at me.

"Thank you Mes, now can you all please leave so I can get so rest?"

"The hell we are leaving you alone."Neymar said as his arms folded against his chest. "We are going to look after you like you do for us."

Coutinho let out a snort of laughter, then Neymar threw him a look. Coutinho calmed himself down and looked at him. "Let's leave her, it's a flu, she isn't dying."

"Nope."Jesus and Neymar said at the same time, popping the p.

"Just because you can't live a day without her doesn't mean you get to bother her when she's sick."Saurez said as he rolled his eyes at them.

"That's true, we can't live a day without her in it."Marc said as he looked at me then he grinned. "You are stuck with us for the rest of your life."

"It's so hard for us to even live two hours without texting you or doing something to do with you."Marc said as he let out another chuckle.

Coutinho smiled. "You mean something to us, that's all you need is us in your life and we aren't going anywhere."


"I'm really sorry Sergi."I said once more as I sat down across from him, picking up the menu in front of me. "I really am."

Sergi let out a soft chuckle. "It's fine and I know you couldn't resist me anyway."

I rolled my eyes playfully and looked down at the menu, then I looked up to see Neymar, still with the sour expression on his face.

Coutinho looked at me and smiled. "So what are we ordering today?"

"We are ordering everything."Jesus replied as he put the menu down in front of him.

Denis looked at him. "We aren't clearing up your puke for shit."

"Instead of cleaning it, you are going to be licking it."Marc said with a grin on his face.

I let out a soft chuckle and looked at Marc. "Really?"

Then I turned to Denis, only to see the people who I've tried so hard to get away from.

Sorry I've took so long to update, I've just been so busy with so many things and just I don't know what to do with certain things and chiz.

I'm sorry and this chapter is just so bad so I hope you enjoyed it and I did try my best.


Besos 😘

Halayna x

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