Chapter Six

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•Benji's P.O.V•

I rolled my eyes at Fede as he put his phone down with Chris looking at him.

"Who was you speaking to?"Chris asked as he looked at Fede with a look.

"It was one of my friends."Fede replied with a shrug of his shoulder. "She just rang, asking if I knew where her boyfriend was taking her tonight."

"Then why did you end it so quickly then?"Chris asked with a questioning look on his face.

"Well aren't you full of questions today?"Fede said as he looked at Chris with a smile on his face, wanting him to stop asking questions.

I looked at Chris. "Where's Riki disappeared to?"

"He's outside with the rest."Chris replied as he put his hands in his pocket. "They are coming in, I just got sick of Anouk and them taking photos every damn second."

Fede let out a chuckle. "Well that sounds like Anouk doesn't it?"

Chris nodded then he sat down across me and Fede. "Do you think vi will come back a little early?"

"She needs the holiday, her and Sergi need some time to themselves too."I replied with a nod.

"Sergi?"Chris asked, with a face full of hurt letting out a sigh.

Fuck! Bad move Benji!

Fede looked at me for a second then looked back at Chris. "He's her boyfriend, they are a really cute couple and he really does love her."

"Well I guess, as long as she's happy then I'm happy for her."Chris said with a nod as he looked down at the menu in front of him.

Eden ran all the way to the table and looked at me with a grin on her face. "I really like your braids on your hair, can you do them for me?"

"Oh my, she seems hyper."Fede said as he looked at her.

"When she has her sleep, she's a very hyper child."Hannah said with a soft chuckle as her and Richard took their seats by Chris.

"Well first, tell me your name then."I said as I looked at her with a friendly smile on my face.

"My name is Eden, Eden Camacho."She replied as she rolled her eyes and folded her arms against her chest. "I really don't like my name."

Me wanting to laugh because Richard did name her after one of his favourite footballers.

"It's such a pretty name, like you."I said with a chuckle.

"You are only saying that because you want to be nice."Eden said as she turned her head away a little.

I picked her up and sat her down on my lap, I looked at her. "Your name is so beautiful, did you know you were named after a famous footballer?"

"Don't."Richard said as he looked at me. "She's gunna get pissed."

"You never know, she might not."Zabdiel said as he took a seat by Fede.

"What? Which famous footballer?"She asked as she looked at me with a excited smile on her face, her hands interlinked with each other wanting to know.

"Eden Hazard, he plays for a English football team called Chelsea."I replied as I looked at her. "He's such a good football player that even the Spanish league want him!"

She let out a gasp and a massive smile appeared on her face. "No way! Now I love my name!"

Erick appeared with Riki and his daughter who was holding Riki's hand, he sat down by me and smiled as Adaline sat on his lap.

Eden turned to Adaline with a massive grin on her face. "Guess what Ada?"

"What?"She replied with an excited expression on her face.

"I'm named after a famous footballer!"She exclaimed with a excited cheer to end it with.

Erick let out a soft chuckle and looked at me. "Eden Hazard?"

I nodded with a smile on my face. "I'm surprised it's her first time, hearing about him."

"Mister here often just calls his hazard but doesn't like him as much as he used to."Hannah said as she looked at Richard then looked back at us.

"It's all about Marc Bartha and them."Richard said with a shrug of my shoulder. "Such a great footballer but doesn't get much time on the pitch."

"I've met him, him and v-"Fede began to say but I nudged him to shut up.

"I think Dybala is really good too."Riki said with a nod. "Him and Higunini are monsters on the pitch."

"True."Zabdiel said nodding in agreement.

"So Joel not joining us tonight?"I asked as I looked at them with a confused expression on my face. "Anouk?"

"Joel wasn't feeling well so he stayed, Anouk is in the bathroom."Erick replied with a nod.

Anouk ran to the table on cue and sat down by Zabdiel with a smile on her face. "So I was thinking why don't we extend our ticket a little longer?"

"What do you mean?"I asked as I looked at her with a not so suspicious look on her face.

"Well we go to Spain, the guys do whatever they need to do then we come back here for an extra two weeks and see vi!"Anouk explained with a smile on her face.

"That sounds good but also a waste of time."Chris said as he looked at her.

"A waste of time?"Zabdiel asked as he looked at him. "What's wrong with you?"

Chris got up and walked out of the resturtant, I stood up wanting to go after him but Richard looked at me. "Let him be, he'll come back in a bit."


"Are you okay?"I asked Chris as I put my hands in my pocket, taking another step on the steps.

He looked up and looked at me with a smile on his face."I'm fine Benji."

Did we just break Chris's heart?

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