Chapter Seventeen

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"I really don't feel like eating here."I said as I looked at coutinho. "I'm going to head off home."

"Why?"Coutinho asked with a worried expression on his face.

"No you aren't leaving us, you are going to stay with us and eat with us."Neymar said as his arms folded against his chest, looking at me with that sour expression on his face.

"Oh, someone has decided to open their mouth."Marc said as he looked at Neymar with a raise of his eyebrow."Do you also want to change that face of yours too?"

"You mean that look on his face."Jesus corrected him as he looked at the menu, biting his lip unsure of what to order.

"We are going to sit here and have a nice dinner with each other."Sergi said with a smile on his face. "We all need this for the day we had."

"Someone is one to talk about the day they had."Neymar said as he rolled his eyes at Sergi.

"Stop being such a jealous cockbufflo."James said with a look on his face. "Just because you wanted be kissed."

Neymar looked at him. "More of your lips needed it, they look a little chapped from here."

"Oh do they now? But they still look better then yours."James said as he rolled his eyes at him.

"Now, what are we going to order?"Coutinho asked, trying to change the subject as my cheeks turned red."I'm thinking the beef Chili dry."

I let out a sigh and looked up at them. "If you guys are going to carry on arguing about the day we had, then I'm leaving."

"Shut up all of you."Jesus said as he rolled his eyes at them. "Let's just eat some food."

I looked down at the menu, to see a Thai chicken curry, my mouth began to water a little.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Chris looking at me with a look on his face.

This is a bad idea, I might as well just go home.

"So what are we ordering today?"Sergi asked as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

I let out a soft chuckle and looked up at Sergi. "Thai curry for me."

"Well I want everything and I want that Thai curry too."Marc said with a nod as he held up the menu to show James.

Neymar rolled his eyes for some reason then pulled out his phone, looking at something.

I got up from the chair, Coutinho looked at me with a worried look on his face. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to the toliet."I replied as I got up from my seat, pushing the chair a little back with my foot.

"Why?"Sergi asked as he looked at me with a look on his face.

"Because Sergi, a women goes through something called a period; where her uterus she-"

I was cut off by groans and eye rolls from the guys, James looked at Sergi. "Really Sergi? Since when you do ask a women why she's going to the toliet for?"

"And that's Jesus's thing to ask stupid questions."Marc added with another eye roll.

"How does the uterus shed though?"Jesus said with a confused expression on his face. "Doesn't that hurt?"

Coutinho looked at Jesus. "There's something called Google, to use that."

Jesus looked at Neymar and gave him a little nudge. "Search that up Ney."

Neymar looked up from the phone and looked at Jesus."Haven't you got a phone of your own? Haven't you say in any one of your science classes either?"

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