Chapter Ten

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•Hannah's P.O.V•

"I'm so upset that the match isn't happening."Richard said as he let out a sigh, shaking his head a little to the side.

I looked at him and took a hold of his hand, giving him a little squeeze."Awh carino, I'm sorry."

"I was looking so forward to that match too."Richard added with another disappointed sigh.

I brought my lips near and left little kisses on his jawline then looked up at him. "There'll be another match we can watch."

"I don't know Han."

I let out a sigh and kissed his cheek. "How about you shower up and come downstairs then we'll go out?"

Richard nodded. "Sounds good."

I kissed his cheek once more then let go of his hand and walked out of the room, I walked downstairs into the kitchen to see Erick sat at the breakfast bar with Anouk across him, stirring her coffee with a spoon.

Erick's fingers curled around his mug, I looked at them with a smile on my face as I walked over to the fridge.

"Morning."Anouk said as she pulled out the spoon and placed it by her mug.


Erick took a sip of his coffee and looked at me. "How's Richard now?"

"Upset."I replied as I let out a sigh, pulling out the carton of orange juice. "He was looking really forward to see his favourite player play."

"Zabdiel and Chris are really cut up about it too."Erick said as he let out a sigh, bringing the mug up to his lips. "Joel and Fede have taken them out to cheer them up."

"I'm thinking of ideas of how to cheer them up and you too."I said with a chuckle as I walked over by Anouk.

I looked at Anouk then at Erick. "What's the coffee for?"

"Ada's meds were playing up last night which occurred to us having coffee."Anouk replied as she took another sip of her coffee. "It was a rough night."

"Where's Ada now?"

"She fell asleep with Benji."Erick replied as he looked at me. "Where's Eden?"

"Probably somewhere in this house with Riki."I replied with a shrug of my shoulder. "She left the room with him."

"I'm just so scared for what's going to happen when we go back home."Anouk said as she looked at me. "The girls have become so attached to them."

"Imagine if Vi was here, they would of been more attached to her too."I added with a sigh.

"I just hope she's having fun in Croatia along with her boyfriend."Anouk said with a faded smile on her face.

Erick's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Boyfriend? Vi is with someone?"

"Yeah, his name is Sergi and he whisked her away to Croatia for a few weeks."I replied as I looked at him with half a frown on my face.

"I never thought she would go out with someone if they weren't Chris."Erick said as he put his mug down on the surface. "They were so in love together."

"They really were."Anouk said with a smile on her face. "The guy who made her bounce back from Sebastian."

Richard came down and looked at us as he took a seat by Erick. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Vienna."I replied as I looked at him. "The way her and Chris were so in love together."

Richard looked at me. "She was happy with him."

"Yeah she was, I wish they still stayed together."I said as I unscrewed the cap from the carton. "She would be with us right now."

"I miss her."Erick confessed as he looked down at his mug. "She was there for everything, she was our person but now she isn't here."

"She was."Richard said in a whisper as he looked down at his fingers.

"Why are you guys talking like she's dead for?"Anouk said as she looked at us. "We've still got a chance to get her back."


"We've got to."


A massive smile plastered on my face as I picked up the paper from the printer, I looked down at it and read it leaving my smile to become more bigger.

I walked out of the room, holding it behind my back as I walked downstairs into the living room to see everyone sat there.

Eden looked at me. "Mummy? Why are you so happy for?"

"Because I've got a big announcement to announce."I replied loudly for everyone to look at me.

Everyone looked at me, Richard pulled a confused expression on his face. "What?"

"Are you having another kid again?"Fede said as he sat Eden on his lap. "Does that mean Eden gets to stay with us forever?"

I let out a soft chuckle, Eden smiled and nodded. "Is that mummy?"


"Just spill it out!"Joel yelled as he looked at me, on the edge of his seat.

"The match isn't happening until two months time, we all were really upset about it but I had this idea."I explained as I looked at them.

"Tell us!"Zabdiel said as he looked at me.

"We are going to do a tour in camp Nou, watching all the players train and see everything then after watch Lyon V.S Barca."I said with a massive grin on my face.

Everything went quiet for a second, Richard  looked at me and smiled web gleaming eyes. "Are you being serious?"

I nodded. "We are going to Camp Nou mi gente!"

"Even Zio benji?"Eden asked with a massive grin on her face.

"We are all going!"I yelled as I threw my hands in the air with a massive smile on my face.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

There's another book which I'll know you all enjoy is called the long road by one of my good friend Hannah! MrsVelez_cncowner

It's such a good book!

Thanks for reading!


Besos 😘

Halayna x

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