Chapter Four

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•Few days after•

•Riki's P.O.V•

Benji looked at me with a worried expression on his face as his hand laced behind his head. "This is going to end so badly."He whispered as he bit his lip. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Fede walked in, holding up a pizza leaflet in hand. "I thought we could order some food."

Benji looked at him and let out a sigh. "How can you think of food right now? We are stuck in such a pickle at the moment."

Fede's stomach let out a grumble, one hand rubbed his stomach and he looked at Benji. "Stop referring to food would you? It's making me even more hungry."

I looked at Fede. "Order a pizza but make sure there is extra pesto on it."

Fede nodded and looked at benji with a look on his face. "At least someone agrees with me."

Benji rolled his eyes at him as Fede walked back out of the room then he looked at me. "What are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"They are coming less then five hours Riki!"Benji replied with a exsparted sigh, shaking his head a little to the side bringing his hands down to his lap. "We can't pull this off!"

"It's easy benji, stop worrying about it."I said as I looked at him with a reassuring look.

He didn't buy it, to be honest I didn't think we can do this because we just can't.

They'll sniff around then they'll eventually find out.

"I know you are thinking the same thing but you aren't showing it."Benji said as he looked at me.

"I get why but shouldn't she just tell them? What would be so bad about it?"I said as I let out a frustrated sigh. "Why? They are practically family to her!"

"Dont you remember?"Benji asked as he looked at me with a look. "Don't you remember how things were? How it all happened?"

I looked at him. "But that's in the past now, surely that can't be a reason."

"The way things were left with her and them were pretty bad."Benji reminded me as he looked down at his hand. "Even when they came to papi's furneal, it was bad."

"Can we not talk about it please?"I asked as I looked at benji with a look on my face.

He nodded. "But they are bound to find out that she doesn't live in Italy anymore and she's moved on."

"I know but is she listening to me?"

"And they've probably seen her on tv, watching her running to the pitch looking after the players."Benji added with another sigh. "And in the magazines, with the photos of her with the team and chiz."

I got up from my seat and looked at him. "Just stick to the story, she's gone to Croatia for a few weeks for some alone time."

Fede walked back in with a smile on his face."Ordered the pizza, we've got a few hours to kill before they arrive."

I looked at Fede. "You need to help me to make the spare rooms."

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