Chapter Thirty-Four

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Marc's P.O.V

"What do you mean it was a false alarm?"Sergi asked over the phone. "We were heading back you know."

"Just play the game, I'll call you guys if there is anymore news."

"Make sure you do."Pep yelled in the background.

"Bye, give her a kiss from us all."Jesus said over the phone with a sigh.

"Suerte! Adios."

Then he hung up on the phone, left all alone in this.

My hands rested on the balcony, I looked up to see the view of busy roads of Barcelona.


The place where my everything lies.


I closed my eyes, I took in a deep breath and let it out. The tears brimmed in my eyes as I opened my eyes.

Tears trickled down my face. I let out a sigh as I brought my hand to my face and wiped my tears away.

She looked at me, she let out a sigh and held my hand. "I know you hate the phrase im sorry for your loss right now."

I nodded. Tears trickled down my face as I looked at her. "It hurts."I whispered as i tried not to break down.

She nodded and pulled me into a tight hug. "You'll never get over this but it gets easier."She whispered as she hugged me even more tight, then she left her arms loosely around me. She looked at me. "I'm here, whatever it is whatever time it is. I'm here for you."

She kissed my cheek. "You can get pass this Bartha."

I've lost her haven't I?

Someone who is always been there for me and just is an amazing person.

But it always happens.

I've always got to say the goodbye because that's all we ever do is say goodbye.

"Marc?"Neymar voice appeared as I could feel his eyes onto me.

I wiped my tears away, I looked down at Barcelona's busy streets for a second and let out a sniff.

Then I turned over my shoulder and looked at him. I painted a smile on my face. "Yeah?"

"Have you been crying?"Neymar asked as his hazel eyes looked in mine. "Your eyes are puffy and red."

"It's nothing."I replied as I took a step, to leave from this conversation.

He took a hold of my wrist and looked at me. "Are you in love with Vienna?"

"What? Neymar, are you feeling okay?"

"Just answer my question Marc."Neymar said as he let out a sigh.

"Please don't make this hard then it already is for me."He added in with a whisper.

He closed his eyes for a second. "Just tell me Marc, are you in l-love with Vi?"

"Ney, I don't know what's wrong wi-"

Neymar cut me off, he opened his eyes with tears brimmed in his eyes. He looked at me and bit his lip. "You are aren't you? I knew it."


Tears trickled down his face, he let go of my hand and looked at me; he smiled as he wiped his tears away. "I fucked up badly but you seem to have a chance don't you? So don't fuck it up and treat her the best I ever would."

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