Chapter Thirty-Three

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Neymar's P.O.V

Few hours later.

"Her eyes actually fluttered?"Richard asked with an excited look on his face.

I nodded. "Yeah, I read her that poem that someone sent and her eyes fluttered."

"Ay papi, she's gunna be awake in a few minutes isn't she?"Erick said with a smile on his face. "I can't wait to see her."

"I can't wait to hear her voice again."Coutinho said as he looked at me. "She's actually coming back to us."

"I better go and call Denis and them."Marc said as he pulled out his phone then left the waiting room.

Marc is definitely acting really weird, he never acts like this and he is Vienna's best friend well one of them.

Why would he be acting like this for?

"Ay, Marc I think I'm falling in love with her."I said as my eyes were focused on her as she was fixing up Messi's leg up. "She's just amazing."

"Yeah she is."

"Everything about her is amazing, I never thought I could fall for someone like this. Her soft brown hair which sways itself to the side to show her chiselled cheekbones."I said in awe as I looked at her. "Her lips ever so perfectly curved and I'm dying right now because I haven't placed my lips onto hers. Hers look like heaven."

"And her eyes. Her light brown eyes which shows you the whole of world and the flicker of her colour coming out makes her even more special and unique."Marc said as his eyes were focused onto her. "And her laugh, it's like music which Andrea Fellichi doesn't have."

I looked at Marc with a confused expression, he stopped and realised what he said.

Before I could open my mouth. "I'm going to go and see if Pique needs help."He quickly said then left.

Shit! Why didn't I realised from that day that he liked her as well?

OH MY FUCKING GOSH! I'm the biggest tarodo alive!

No wonder why, he didn't go on that double date with me and Bruna.

Oh my fucking gosh! He's waiting for her isn't he? He's waiting to tell her all his feelings and everything.


I've fucked up big time haven't I?

Marc is in love with her and so am I.

Wait could he be the mysterious person send the card?

He always spends time with her, maybe she told him that was her favourite poem.

Fuck... Use your head Ney.


Marc is in love with Vi.

Marc is in love with Vi.

And has been from the start.

But is she?

Fuck sake!


"So Marc is thinking to go out with this girl."I said as I looked at Vienna and gave Marc a nudge.

"No, I'm not."Marc said as he looked at me. "I'm not going to go with you and bruna on a double date."

"Oh it's with one of Bruna's friends?"Vienna said as she looked down at her food.

"Yeah it is."I said as I looked at her. "This doofus won't go."

"It's up to him to go if he wants to."She said with her tone ever so upset. Then she stood up and looked at us. "You two enjoy tonight, I'm gunna go."

"Vienna, wait I'll come with you."Marc said as he stood up. "I don't need to go any date with one of Bruna's friend." Then they both left together.

He had a date with one of the amazing supermodels on the industry and he decided to go with Vienna.


But he never did anything to hurt Vienna like I did.

I broke her into pieces, I did and I wish I didn't because maybe I still would have a chance with her now.

Maybe that child in her now could of been mine then someone who we don't even know.

Wait... What if Jesus is right? What if it is someone from the team?

What if it's Bartha?

I snapped out my whirlpool of thoughts when the the doctor walked in.

She looked at us and let out a sigh. "She didn't flicker her eyes and there hasn't been no sign of any activity."

"I saw her flicker her eyes!"I replied as I looked at her.

"It happens sometimes but it doesn't mean she's awake or anything."The doctor said then she left.

I rolled my eyes then I walked back into Vienna's room.

I sat down on the chair by her, I took a hold of her hand and looked at her. "I really wish you wake up soon."

Coutinho walked in with Richard, Richard stood at the end of her bed and looked at her. "Avcaodo is here."He said as he let out a soft chuckle, trying not to cry. "We miss you loads."

"You used to call him Avcaodo? You seriously come up with the worst nicknames of time."Coutinho said with a chuckle.

"Oh my gosh Vienna, do you remember you used to call Coutinho, Co Co?"I said with another chuckle as I looked at her.

Then her eyes flickered again then she squeezed my hand. I looked at her with a shocked look. "Vienna?"

Then I looked at Richard and Coutinho. "You guys did see that didn't you?"

Richard nodded. "Someone needs to call that tarodo of a doctor here fast."

What do you guys think? It'll be ending soon the book will and just pray I pass my exams so I can just leave and travel the world.

And CNCO are coming to the UK! IM SO HAPPY! I'm so gunna get the concert tickets hopefully! Just pray I do too!

Thank you for reading

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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