Chapter Twenty-Five

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Next Day.

Coutinho's P.O.V

I felt a thwack, coming the back of my head making me depart away from my dreams.

I slowly opened my eyes, I brought my hands to my eyes and rubbed them then moved them away to see my vision was clear but only to realise I was in a hospital room.

Then it hit me.

It's because of Vi.

I really wanted that to be a dream but I guess it never was.

"Sleeping beauty, the doctors are coming in very soon."Marc said as he was on other side of Vi's bed, his focus on Vi.

"Who thwacked me?"I asked as I brought my hand to the back of my head, rubbing it.

"I did."Jesus replied, stood behind me and I could imagine the grin on his face. "Did you enjoy it?"

I rolled my eyes and turned over my shoulder, I looked at him. "Really? You better sleep with two eyes open tonight."

"You know me, I never go sleep anyway."Jesus replied with a shrug. "But I like to see you try."

"Shut up Jesus."

A middle-aged man walked in with a woman by him, both of them holding clipboards.

The man looked at us and cleared his throat. "Family of Vienna?"

All three of us nodded. "Coutinho here is her uncle so is Marc and I'm her wonderful brother."Jesus said with a proud smile on his face.

Marc rolled his eyes at Jesus and looked at the man. "Please do ignore him, can you tell what's going on with vi?"

"Well it's really complicated."The woman spoke as she let out a sigh. "The situation she's in, it's difficult because she's alert but her body is in shock."

"We are thinking to bring her out of the coma but there's chance she might not work on the first try."The man contuied as he looked down at his clipboard. "If she doesn't start breathing on her own, the child is going to suffer even more. We are exploring our options we've got and the nurses have said there's no change in her blood pressure or heart rate so that is a good sign."

"Child?"Jesus asked with a confused look on his face. "I think you've got that wrong doctor."

The male doctor looked at Jesus. "She's with child, we found yesterday with the tests we took."

Jesus let out a chuckle and shook his head. "You gotta be joking, she isn't pregnant. She hasn't been with anyone in ages and she wouldn't have a one night stand with anyone."

Same thoughts that ran through my mind yesterday morning but I didn't want to pressure her for answers.

"We are planning to get a nurse to do an ultrasound to see how far long she is and if child is healthy."The women said as she looked at us, holding her clipboard to the side. She looked at Vienna for a second then looked up at us. "Don't give up just yet, have hope of some sort. Talk to her too, she can hear you."

I nodded. "T-Thank you."

She smiled for a brief second then they both left the room, Marc took a hold of Vienna's hand and let out a soft chuckle; trying to hide the fact he was on the verge of tears. "We kinda need someone to take the piss out of Jesus."

Jesus walked to the middle of the room and looked at me and Marc. "Why am I the only shocked one right now? She pregnant and how?"

"Well when a man and woman lov-"

Jesus cut me off and looked at me. "I'm being serious right now, she's pregnant but then who's the father?"

Neymar walked into the room with flowers and a massive get well soon balloon. "Hey guys."He said quietly as he placed them by her bedside.

He looked at me, I pushed my chair back a little for him to come closer to her.

Jesus looked at Neymar with a cold hard stare like he wanted to kill him there and then.

If looks could kill then Neymar would be drop dead on the floor right now.

"I didn't believe it when Pique told me."Neymar whispered as he held her hand. "I'm sorry I didn't come soon vi."

Marc looked up and looked at Neymar. "James called you right after he called Coutinho."

"Yeah..."Neymar said as he looked down, his freehand rested on the back of his neck. "Bruna picked up the phone, she didn't tell me. Today, I walked into practice to see no one there and pique was only there with pep. They told me and I ran here as fast I could."

"It matters that you are here now."

Neymar nodded. "So what happened to her? What did the doctors say?"

"No one knows, her neighbour saw her on the floor due to the balcony window being opened. Then she was rushed here, Sergi and me were the only ones which answered our phones."Marc explained as he looked down at his fingers. "The doctors don't know what's going on properly either."

"But she can hear us though which is a good thing."I added with a soft smile on my face.

Neymar let out a sigh and looked at Vienna, he let out a soft chuckle a few seconds after as tears trickled down his face. "Oh Vienna, you were right about everything weren't you? I guess I do owe you that Matt bomer marathon don't I?"

Jesus let out a fake cough and looked at me and Marc. "Are you two serious right now? C'mon its obviously Neymar is the father."

"What?!"Neymar said with a shocked expression on his face.

Marc let out a sigh and looked at Jesus. "You can't throw accusations around okay, I'm sure Vienna wouldn't want anyone to know just yet either."

"Just leave it Jesus, we need to focus on her and getting her better."I said as I let out another sigh. "Please."

"No I'm not going to leave it because the father of her child derseve to know."Jesus said as he looked at us with tears brimming in his eyes. "God knows what's going to happen next, he needs to know and doesn't need to be left in the dark. Also I wanna know who he is, I've got questions to ask for my niece or nephew. He knocked up my best friend and he doesn't get a lucky escape."

"Yeah we get tha-"

Jesus cut me off again. "We don't know what happened for her to become in a state like that, it could be anything; it could even be because of her telling the guy she's pregnant and it could triggered this. He could also help us solve what's happened. My best friend is suffering along with her child, he needs to be here."

Then he walked out of the room, Neymar looked at us. "She's pregnant?"

I nodded but Marc stayed silent, he looked down at her hand and slowly stroked her hand.

"Yeah she is but we dont know who's the father."

"I n-need a second to myself."Neymar said as he let go of her hand and walked out of the room.

Marc got up, he looked at her for a few seconds then walked out of the room, leaving just me.

What did you guys think? Good or nah?

Can't revise at all gosh and I can't sleep either!

Thanks for reading

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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