Chapter twenty four

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A month after.

Coutinho's P.O.V

My phone began to rang as my lips pressed against Elena's, she pulled away and looked at me.

She let out a sigh. "Can you just answer your phone? It seems important, third time someone rang you."

I let out a sigh, shaking my head a little as I pulled out my phone from my pocket to see it was James calling me.

I answered the phone and got up from the couch, walked into a different room with my phone pressed against my ear.


"We have been calling you for so long now, what the hell are you doing?"

I let out a frustrated groan."I've got Elena waiting, just tell me what's happening."

"It's Vi."

My bottom lip began to quiver, my hands began to shake along with my legs which started to feel like jelly. "W-What?"

"She isn't doing so good, we need you down here to the hospital as soon as."


"See you then."James said then hung up on me.

My vision blurred with tears as I brought my phone in front of me, to see the lockscreen was me and vi.

Please say nothing bad has happened to her.

It can't be, I only saw her a few hours.

I shouldn't of left her in the state she was in.

I'm the worse best friend.

A knock came from the door, pulling me away from my thoughts.

The door opened to see Elena stood there, she looked at me with a worried expression on her face. "What's happened? You've been long."

"Something has happened to my best friend, I've gotta go."I replied as I looked at her, let out a sniff. "I'm really sorry, we can do this again sometime soon?"

She nodded. "Yeah sure, you get going and I'll clean up for you."


She nodded once again. "Like I have anything better to do, it's nice thing to do for a veninco anyway."


I quickly kissed her cheek, then grabbed my jacket along with my keys and left my penthouse.

I ran down to my car, I opened the door and started the car as I sat down at the driver's seat and drove to the hospital.

"It's big news, it's going to take time to deal with it."I said as I looked at her with a face full of hope. "You don't need to make a decision straightaway."

"B-But what if I ca-"

I cut her off and looked at her. "We aren't going to leave nor have we planned to, we are here for you."

"I just need time to figure it out don't I?"

I nodded. "Remember it's your decision, you need to do what is best for you because only you know best for yourself."

"O-Okay."She said but her hands were a little shaky along with her voice.

"I'll whip us up something to eat then we'll just watch a few movies?"I suggested with a smile on my face.

She let out a sigh and touched my hand. "You've got your date with Elena, you need to hurry up and get ready for it."

"I'll raincheck it."

"No you won't, you've liked Elena for such a long ass time. You are going, for the both of us."

"Fine then."

I kissed her cheek and got up, she looked at me and smiled. "Have fun, dont do anything I won't do." She said with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes at her playfully and left the apartment of hers.

Tears streamed down my face as I parked up outside the hospital, I wiped the tears away as I opened the car door and got out.

Million things running through my mind but me silently praying she's okay and it ain't anything bad.

She has so much to do and live for right now.

I walked into the hospital, calming myself down as I approached the reception desk.

The lady looked up and looked at me, she smiled. "Philippe Coutinho, oh my gosh how can I be assist to you?"

I let out a soft chuckle. "I'm here to see a friends, Vienna (a/n forgot her last name) achakzai."

The lady nodded and began to type something on the computer then looked at me. "Room 234 on the fourth floor."

"Thank you."

I walked away from the reception and ran towards the elevator, I quickly got on and waited impatiently to get on the floor to the room.

Finally, I was on the fourth floor. I ran, looking at all the rooms then I saw a male standing outside of one.

It has to be that one.

I ran down and stopped in my tracks as soon as I reached the room, I looked up at the male to see it was Marc stood there.

His eyes brimmed with tears, his arms folded against his chest and he looked at me. "Coutinho?"

I nodded, I looked at the room as the door was wide open to see Vienna hooked up to machines but her eyes were closed.

I looked back at Marc, a lump formed on my throat as I was prepping myself to ask.

Sergi appeared, standing in the doorway of her room. He looked at me. "You made it."

I nodded. "W-What happened?"

"They are still trying to figure it out but she's in a coma."Sergi replied as he let out a sigh. "They sa-"

He was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing, he pulled it out of his pocket and left us.

"Where's the others?"

Got no answer.

Marc looked at me with blotchy eyes. "Did you know?"

I knew what exactly he was indicating to. "Yeah I did."



Marc closed his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath in then out. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "I'm going to get myself a coffee."

Then he left.

I walked into the room, I sat down on the chair and took a hold of her hand. I kissed the back of her hand and looked at her. "Need you to wake up Vi."

So guys what do you think?

Please leave opinions and everything, I'm supposed to be revising but I can't. Any tips?


Besos 😘

Halayna x

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