Chapter Thirty-Five

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Richard's P.O.V

Tears brimmed in my eyes, I looked at her then placed my hand on my chest."You don't remember m-me?"

She let out a sigh and clinged onto Marc's hand. "I'm s-so sor-ry."She said as her lip trembled."I really a-am."

I just looked at her for a few seconds, thought back that time when I was her person to run to and just hug her tight until things were okay.

I turned around and walked outside, my back threw itself onto the wall as tears streamed down my face like a waterfall was taken place.

My hands buried my head into it, felt the tears hit my hands.

"Vienna, it's going to be okay."I whispered as I hugged her tight. "It doesn't seem like that but there's a light to the end of the tunnel."

"Please don't..."She whispered as she buried her head into my chest.

"Life is a struggle, without those struggles then what is life? It's there to break you down but it's all about when you get up."I whispered as my hand softly touched her hair. "You are going to get through this and I know you are because there's a light at the end of the tunnel."

"Richard?"Zabdiel asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him, with my red puffy blotchy eyes. "Y-Yeah?"

"Why are you crying for?"He asked with a confused expression on his face. "Isn't she awake?"

"She d-doesn't remember u-us."I replied as I tried not to choke on my words.

"What do you mean?"

My breathing began to increased itself as I looked at Zabdiel, my vision started to become blurry due to the tears.

"I-I was in the room, she didn't even r-remember m-me."I said in a panicky tone then my hands began to shake. "And n-now ma-arc and coutin-nhio are there, doing the th-things we used to do."

"Hey, hey tranq-"

I cut Zabdiel off his sensetance. "T-That used to be us, making h-her smile and l-laugh. J-just seeing that smile on her f-face was e-enough for u-us now s-someone else is h-her s-smile."


"T-That used to be us, but n-now it's our t-turn to put the s-smile mask on isn't it?"

Zabdiel engulfed me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, but you'll never put that smile mask on because you've got us."He said as he looked at me.

"I-I don't thin-"

Zabdiel cut me off, he pulled away from the hug and held my hand. "Change your mind, you are allow to do it. You can do it because maybe things should be left in the past and this is what it is."


"We aren't going to get where we wanted to be and if she can't remember us; then it's even more reason to leave."

"A-Are you sure?"

Zabdiel nodded. "We should, we can't carry on like this. She's got a life to live and so have we."

"W-We can't even say goodbye, she doesn't even remember us."I said as I let out a sigh.

"Even more reason to leave this chapter in the past."Zabdiel added with his own sigh.

"Should we tell the guys?"

Zabdiel nodded. "But after when we get you a glass of water."


We walked into the waiting room to see Erick and Joel sat there on the chairs, both with coffee cups in the hand.

Erick looked at us and smiled. "So can we go in and see her then?"

I sat down on the chair across them as Zabdiel decided to stand up, with his hands in his pockets.

"Where's Chris?"Zabdiel asked as he looked at them.

"We don't know, last time we saw him he was in the hotel."Erick replied with a shrug of his shoulder.

Joel pulled a confused expression on his face and looked at me and Zabdiel. "What's happened?"

"She doesn't remember us."I replied as I let out a sigh and looked at them. "She just doesn't, it's like that wares never existed like we don't exist."

Erick looked at me with a plain face, his eyes just looked like there was no colour to them. "W-What?"

"Are you guys messing with us?"Joel asked as he raised his eyebrow. "Because it isn't a good joke."

"We are not messing with you."I replied as I let out an exhausted sigh. "She doesn't remember us and it hurts a lot, I know."

Joel's eyes brimmed with tears, he looked at me as he bit his lip. "She really doesn't?"

I nodded. "She doesn't, it's likely that it'll remain like that."

"W-What do we do?"Joel asked but came out in a whisper.

"We leave."Zabdiel replied as he looked both at Erick and Joel. "We leave her in the past where she belongs."

"What?"Erick said with a shocked expression on his face. "Are you being really serious right now?"

Zabdiel nodded. "This chapter is closing, there's no more to it anymore."

"You mean this is the end?"Joel said as he looked at him.

"Yes it is."Zabdiel said as he looked at them. "The chapter closes now, she doesn't remember us. We remember her and it'll be in our hearts but the more we stay, the more we get hurt."

"He's right."

"I don't want to."Erick said as he looked at us. "She's like my sister."

"Erick, we need to do this even though we don't want to."


I looked outside the plane window, then I turned over my shoulder to see Erick staring at the window with his headphones in but just sadness sat on his face.

I let out a sigh, we both didn't want to do this but we knew we had to.

I looked at Joel. "This is it."

"This is the end, she lives for her own and we live for our own."

Thank you guys for being so patient with this book, I know I've been busy with study and other things.

I hope you had a good Christmas and have a good new year to come!

But sadly, this is the end of the book. I just thought to leave it because it's a good place to leave it? If you don't agree please comment your opinions and what you'll like me to do.

But thank you for being with me on this journey and reading this book, connecting with the characters and that.

Thank you because when I started all these CNCO books, I never thought people would read them but you all did and complimented my writing, thank you for having faith in me; without it I wouldn't have faith in my own self.

Thank you!

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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