Chapter Fifteen

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•Vienna's P.O.V•

"Don't you think you should hurry up now?"Fred asked as he began to put the bandages back into the cabinet.

"I'll go in a mintue."I replied as I looked at him then a curious expression appeared on my face. "How did you know?"

"Because Neymar told me to make sure you are there."Fred replied with a shrug of his shoulder.

I looked at the bandages then looked ar him. "Wait, why are the bandages out? Did someone get hurt?"

"More like Marc and Willian came up with a bright idea and make wrap Thiago as a mummy as he fell asleep."Fred answered as he rolled his eyes. "Marc feels amazing after he had the medicine you gave him."

"Well fuck, where's Thiago now? I bet he's so pissed off with both of them."

Fred shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know where he is, he's probably with Messi coming up with a plan of what to do to them."

I let out a soft chuckle. "I'm kinda glad I wasn't part of what happened."

Fred nodded. "Now go before Neymar has my head for his dinner if you come late."

"Neymar couldn't even say boo to fly if he even tried to."I said as I walked to the door and turned over my shoulder and looked at him. "There's no reason to be scared of Ney."

Then I walked out of the door, half of me wanting to turn around and run home as fast as I could but I couldn't because if I did, I would be on the bad books of pep and it would raise questions for why I didn't stay.

But I had to face them, the people that I once knew and lived half of my life with.

But he's there...

Someone I can't bring myself to speak in front of or even to look at him because it hurts so much.

I took a deep breath and let it out, reminding myself that I've got the guys with me so I was going to be okay.

I walked to the lunch hall, I pushed the door opened and walked in to see all them gather at a table, talking and laughing with each other.

But Neymar or no one was here yet, maybe they hadn't see me come in so I could sneakily walk back out.

"Vienna?"Richard said as he looked directly at me as I decided to take a step back.

I looked up and looked at him, a lump formed on my throat not knowing what to say or do at this moment.

He knows it was me, heck they all knows it is.

"Are you just going to stand there and not say anything?"Erick asked with a frown on his face.

"Wait, is this Tia?"Eden asked with an excited expression on her face, looking at me as Benji's arms were wrapped around her.

I looked at benji, searching for a sign from him what to do at this very moment.

Benji nodded at me, indicating for me to speak.

"Erm...I don't know what to s-say at the m-moment."

"How about we start with the truth?"Zabdiel asked in an snappy tone as he looked at me. "Because we thought you were in Croatia, not in Spain."

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