Chapter Nineteen

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Christopher's P.O.V

I walked out of the room, I slipped on my trainers and put on my jacket.

Needing to leave this house as soon as I can, I can't stand to be in this house any longer then it has been already.

I quickly walked down the stairs to see Sergi stood there, in a conversation with Richard about whatever it would be.

I let out a cough as I looked at the both of them.

Richard turned and looked at me. "Oh look who decides to turn up now?"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Richard."Can we just go now?"

"What's the rush?"Richard said as he looked at me with a look. "Has something happened or something?"

"Can we just leave now?"I replied with an annoyed tone, hoping that Richard would get what I was saying.

Sergi looked at me. "Don't you want to stay for breakfast? Jesus's chef is actually a pretty good one."

"Thanks for the offer but no thank you, I don't want to stay for breakfast."

Richard turned to Sergi and looked at him. "It was really great talking to you, I'll see you whenever I see you."

Sergi nodded. "It was nice to talking to you too, see you when I see you."

I grabbed Richard's sleeve and dragged him out of the house before he could say anything to anyone else.

"Chris! Chris?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"Richard yelled as soon as we left the house.

"Please Richard, just don't."I replied as I looked at him.

"Well Hannah is with Anouk in the house and so are the rest of the guys."Richard said as he looked at me.

"I'll text them, saying that we went out for breakfast or something."I said as I let out a sigh."I just need to get out of that house."


"Can we just first get a cab out then I'll tell you?"

"Fine but you better tell me everything."

Richard pulled out his phone and called up a cab.

"How long is the cab gunna be?"

"He said ten minutes."Richard replied as he put his hands in his pockets. "So do you want to spill now?"


"At least tell me where you disappear to last night."

"I'll tell you everything in the cab."

"You better."

The cab came, Richard opened the door and I sat inside with Richard sat by me.

"Where are we going?"Richard asked as he looked at me.

"Anywhere but here."I replied as I looked at the cab driver.

Richard looked at the cab driver. "Take us to the best pancake place you know."

He nodded. "Sure."Then he began to drive.

Richard looked at me. "So we are in the cab, so tell me what has happened."

"Last night, I went to the bathroom an-"

Richard cut me off. "If this is one of those disgusting stories about what colour pooh you did, I'm no-"

I cut Richard off and looked at him. "It isn't, it's really important and you can't tell anyone this."

"You know how I am, just tell me what's going on."

"So I was in the bathroom then I came out, I'm walking then I see Vienna and she's struggling with the door."I explained as I looked at Richard, who had a shocked expression on his face."So I go to help her then I don't get how it happened, we just ended up sleeping with each other."

"What?!"came from Richard and the cab driver.

"How could you sleep with her again?"Richard said with a frustrated sigh. "You are supposed to be moving on."

"Sleeping with one of your ex is one of the dumbest things you can do if you are supposed to be getting over them."The cab driver spoke up.

Me and Richard looked at each other for a second then looked at the cab driver. "I know it is."

"Even if she was struggling to open the door, you shouldn't of helped her."The cab driver carried on."You can't always help damsel in distress and you can't always save every one of them now can you?"

"That's true."I whispered.

"Can I ask one thing?"The cab driver asked as he looked at me through rear view mirror.


"When it came to the morning, did she tell you to keep it between you two? That it was a mistake?"

"She didn't say it but she had it wrote on her face, but she couldn't bring herself to say it."I replied as I looked at him.

The cab driver let out a sigh. "Let me guess, you still love her don't you? If she was here now, and you had a chance you still would wouldn't you?"

I nodded. "I would because I'm still in love with her."

The car stopped into traffic, he turned over his shoulder and looked at me. "Sometimes the best thing that you want, you can't always have in your life; it's the best but it isn't what you need. It's everything but sometimes you just can't have it."

"He's right."Richard said as he looked at me. "We can't always have the best thing we want in our lives."

"You both are, I have to let go even though it's gunna be so hard."

The cab driver nodded. "Trust me, I know from experience. You just have to let go."

"She's going to move on and you need to do."Richard added with a nod.

"Thank you."


Time to let go.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I got muddle up with that saying and it's actually true if you think about it.

The best thing you want but you can't have

Thanks for reading


Halayna x

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