Chapter Seven

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•Chris's P.O.V•

I walked out of the restaurant, my eyes brimming with tears making my vision a little blurry.

I walked down the path to see there was view of Verona, I looked at the view as the moon was setting down with my hands in my pocket and the stars were out shining ever so bright.

Vienna loved the stars, we used to laid down in the park or the backyard and look up at the stars.

Tears trickled down my face as the thought of her appeared in my mind.

She's moved on, she's found someone better then me.

Treats her better then I ever did.

Loves her more than I did.

Holds her in his arms and comforts her better then I ever did.

Hugs her tight and tells her she's the only thing in the world to keep himself going.

Tells her worth everyday from second he wakes up next to her to when he falls asleep next to her at night.

Tells her everything and doesn't keep anything from her.

Kisses her ever so passionately and makes love to her better then I ever did.

I wanted to see her again, to tell her that last time I saw her was a mistake that she was all I ever needed in my life but she can't see that can she now?

"Bruma, come on."I said as I looked at her, letting out a sigh. "Today has been an emotional day, I'm not in the mood."

"I wore my lacy attire."She said as she licked her lips. "Are you seriosuly not going to?"

Then she crashed her lips against mine, there weren't vi's but i had to settle for them in the end.

She pushed me onto the bed, unbuttoning my buttons as she kept her lips onto mine.

I pulled my lips away from hers and looked at her."Burma, not right now eh? It's just been a terrible day."

She placed her lips back onto mine then the door opened to see Vienna stood there, her blotchy red eyes focused on me.

"Urm.. I'll j-just leave."She said as she turned on her heel and walked back out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Burma pulled her lips away and looked at me with a disgusted look. "She just ruined the mood." Then she turned around and walked into the bathroom.

I got up from the bed, I quickly buttoned my shirt and walked out of my room and downstairs to see she was gone.

Tears trickled down my face as I sniffed, I let her go and she slipped out of my hands.

There's nothing I can do about it.

I looked at the view once more then I turned around and walked back to the resturtant.

I sat down by Richard, he looked at me with a soft smile on his face. "You okay?"

"I'm good."


"I finally got Ada to bed."Anouk said as she let out a sigh. "Her and Erick are just too fussy sometimes."

Hannah let out a soft chuckle and looked at me. "You okay there Chris?"

I nodded and painted a smile on my face. "Yeah I'm good."

"So what do you think about my idea?"Anouk asked as she bit her lip, hoping I don't give her a wrong answer.

"I don't know."

Hannah looked at me. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"Maybe what was there for me and Vienna is no longer there anymore."I replied with a shrug of my shoulder. "What if there's is no point on holding on anymore?"

"What the fuck is going with you? I thought getting Vienna back was part of the plan."Hannah said with a confused expression on her face.

"Well how can I get her back when she's with someone?"

"This is the first I heard of this."Anouk said with a surprised expression on her face.

"Benji and Fede told me."I said as my hand rubbed the back of my neck. "She's with a guy named Sergi."

"Well you can still get her back."Hannah said as she looked at me. "Show her that you are the one she wants and not him."

"Sergi? She hasn't even a mentioned a Sergi to me."Anouk said with a sigh.

"And if she wanted to see me so badly, she could of or she could of called me or texted me that she wasn't going to be here."I said as I let out a sigh. "She could of told me she had someone when I texted her but she didn't, she didnt even want to see me."

"To be honest, she never responds to her texts or anything."Hannah said with a sigh. "So that doesn't mean anything."

"I can't keep on doing this, I've gotta move on and forget about it."

"Only if you are sure about it."Anouk said with a disappointed expression on her face.

I nodded. "I'm going to go sleep, Bueno noches."

Then I left the kitchen and walked into upstairs into my room, I closed the door and pulled out a crumple photo out of my pocket.

I sat on the edge of the bed as I un crumpled it to see it was that photo of me and vi in that treehouse.

Tears streamed down my face, wanting those times back and wanting her back.

I was never gunna move on from her was I?

I have to but who am I kidding? Tried it with Burma it never worked.

But I have to, she doesn't want me and she's got someone else it's about time I do the same.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Two days left for me to go! I'll update up to chap 10 then I'll see if I've got wifi there and try to update over there!

Share your opinions please!

Thanks for reading!

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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