Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Christopher's P.O.V

I poured hot water into the pot as I turned up the heat a little on the pot.

Joel walked in and looked at me. "Oh, making dinner for us now?"

I turned over my shoulder and looked at him. "It isn't for you, it's for my date tonight."

"With Acacia?"Joel asked as he furrowed his eyebrows together. "Are you sure?"

I nodded and looked at the the hob. "She agreed to come on out an date with me so I'm making dinner for us here."

"Isn't it too soon though?"Joel questioned as I picked up the kettle to pour more water in the pot. "It's too soon for you, you aren't over Vienna yet."

"Joel, don't give me the-"I cut myself off because before I knew it, the hot water found itself on my hand.

"Quickly, put your hand under the cold water."Joel quickly said as he turned on the cold water at the sink.

I just stared at my hand for a few seconds, seeing how red it is and how it was blistering up really fast.

Joel quickly came to me and put the kettle down, he dragged me by the arm to sink where as I was just silent.

He placed my hand underneath the water, the cold water poured itself over my hand but I never felt anything.

I don't feel anything these days, I'm just numb.

For me, it's day and night that I'm just numb, I don't feel anything.

Joel looked at me and let out a sigh. "Are you okay?"

I looked at him and nodded. "I'm fine."

Joel let out another sigh as he took another look at my hand. "I-I don't know because your hand looks really bad, it's like a blister."

"Just leave it, it'll get better."

"I think we should take you to a hospital for it."Joel suggested as he looked at me. "It's really bad."

"It's fine."

Zabdiel walked in, he looked at us and let out a sigh. "What happened?"

"He burnt himself with boiling hot water, it's bad but he won't go to the hospital for it."Joel replied as he shook his head a little to the side.

"Let me have a look at it."Zabdiel said and he walked over to us.

He looked down at my hand then looked at me. "You need to go to the hospital, that's really bad."

"I can't, I've got my date today and I'm not going to take a rain-"

Zabdiel cut me off and looked at me. "I'll ask Anouk to come and finish it off for you, if we leave now we'll be back in time for your date."

"Fine then."I mumbled as I rolled my eyes at him.

Before I knew it, I found myself sat in a waiting room of a hospital with an ice pack on my hand which the nurse gave me.

Zabdiel and Joel sat by each other, next to me left me on the end on my own as they spoke to each other about whatever they were looking at on Joels phone.

I let out a sigh, my head leaned against the wall then I saw a poster on the wall.

About something to do with feelings.

Pfft... No one wants to listen to mine so fuck em.

Funny thing is what's the point to feel? Why? When it just brings us pain and never stops?


It creates a void and it makes you want to fill that but you can't because no one can fill that void.

You can't do that.

You just can't.

Joel got up, with a worried expression on his face and he looked at me."I'm coming back, just incase you go when I'm gone Zabdiel will be with you."

Then he left.

I closed my eyes, trying to catch up on sleep that I never have.

Zabdiel looked at me. "Chris?"


"There's something I've been meaning to ask you."Zabdiel said as he looked down at his fingers.


"Do you still miss her? Do you still want her? Do you want to tell her everything you didn't say to her?"He asked as he looked up at me, his eyes brimmed with tears. "Because I do, I have so much questions for her too but I'm unsure I'll get an answer."

"She doesn't care about us so why should we? She's got her own life and we've got ours."I replied as I looked at him. "Don't waste anything more on her."

"You can't say that, it's so hard to turn off feelings like that when you've cared and loved them for so long."

"Well then all you are going to be is trapped in a bubble of worry of her instead when you should be living."

"Like you are? Because you aren't, I've seen all the signs but you don't want my help."

I looked at him sternly."I may not be living but at least I'm trying to survive."

My name got called out, I got up and Zabdiel got up after me then I left with the nurse.


I looked down at my hand, all bandage up.

The nurse looked at me and let out a soft chuckle. "Don't be cooking for a few weeks now, try to stay away from the stove too."

I let out a chuckle and looked at her with a sweet smile. "I'll try not to."

Zabdiel and Joel walked in, they both looked at me with a worried expression on both of their faces.


"Vienna is in the hospital, it isn't looking too good."

I looked at them, stared at them for two mintues straight letting the silence sit in.

"She's in the hospital?"

Zabdiel nodded. "Yeah she is, she's in a bad way."

"When is the quickest time we can leave?"I asked as I looked at them.

It's been ages, I know but I'm working on the book.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a bit shitty but I've been really busy with studying!

Just pray I pass my exams!

Marc is playing against barca today, oof it's gunna be so emotional right now. Camp Nou is where he made it, he played, cried and laughed and made so many great friendships. But thank gosh real Betis and barca don't have a rivalry thing going on. Friendly teams.

Still gunna be crying though.

Thank you for reading

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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