Chapter Five

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•Vienna's P.O.V•

"Coutinho! You can do it!"I yelled on the top of my lungs, waving my hands in the air cheering him on. "Come on! Just shoot it in!"

He shot the goal in, he looked at me with a massive grin on his face then Jesus and Saurez jumped on him.

Saurez jumped off Coutinho and looked at Messi, Neymar and Sergi stood there with salty faces on.

"Haha you puntos! How did you like that?!"Saurez said with a massive grin on his face.

"It's just a practice match."Messi said as he rolled his eyes at them.

"It isn't an actual match but it was an alright shot."Neymar added with a nod to them.

Sergi smacked his lips together as he folded his arms against his chest. "Well you owe me food, all three of you."

Jesus helped Coutinho up as pique and Marc walked over to them, I got up and walked over to them.

"Here comes the green giants."Messi said with a chuckle as he looked at Marc and pique.

"Well there's the ant."Marc said with a sweet smile on his face.

Pique just looked at Messi. "The main reasons why we are called the Catalan giants is because of us two."

"Taller guys are more attractive though."I said as I looked at Marc and pique then I heard all the gasps and the muttering.

"How the fuck can you say that?"Neymar said as he looked at me, he let out a gasp and his hand rested on his chest. "That fucking hurt."

"It was supposed to."I said as I stuck out my tongue, childishly towards him.

Neymar looked at me. "I'm so going to get you."

"To be honest, being short makes you look younger though."Sergi said as he looked at us with his thinking face on.

Coutinho looked at him and let out a sigh."You really do need food don't you?"

"Whoever helps me get Vienna, I'll treat them to dinner at Ramones."Neymar said as he looked at everyone. "I'll pay and everything."

I let out a gasp and looked at him, holding up my index finger at him taking a few steps back. "That isn't fair Neymar, you are bribing everyone to help you."

"Why not?"Marc said as he shrugged his shoulder. "Beats running around six laps, also coach won't mind either."

I looked at Coutinho with a pleading look on my face. "Please don't, I'll treat you to somewhere better."

"It's chasing you around or running seven laps around."Coutinho said with a shrug of his shoulder. "You know we hate the laps."

I looked at Jesus. "Gabriel de Jesus, you do it then I'm gunna tell Mae how you sneak into my house and steal my stash of coke."

Jesus shrugged his shoulders. "I don't mind, I tell my mum everything so.."

"I hate you all!"I yelled as I looked at them all.

"We'll be nice, yeah?"Neymar said as he looked at me.

I nodded. "So you aren't going to chase me? Thank gosh."

"No, we'll give you a head start."Sergi replied with a shrug of his shoulder.


Then I looked at Messi with puppy eyes. "Come on Messi, you are the most attractive out of this bunch."

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