Chapter Thirty-One

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Christopher's P.O.V

"Aren't you coming?"Erick asked as he looked at me with a worried look on his face.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm just going to go to the bathroom first."

"See ya in a bit."

They walked in a different direction as I walked into another, I found the bathroom and I ran into it.

Tears streamed down my face uncontrolled; it was like I was filling up the river Nile.

What if she doesn't wake up?

The girl who had my heart and still has my heart.

What am I supposed to do?

It's my fault isn't it? I fucked it up didn't I? I broke her didn't I?

I made her feel like shit didn't I?

I couldn't be bothered to shower her with love or show her a bit of compassion because I'm selfish person.

I made her feel like she was a dirty secret, oh gosh how could I?

I had such good times with her, she made me feel things that I never felt before.

She meant so much to me but I let her slip out of my hands, just like that and I didn't do anything did I?

I stood there and let her leave me, what kind of person am I? That I didn't fight for her, I should of fought for her.

Protested, fought until I got her back but no what does Christopher velez do?

He let her go like that, without putting up a fight or doing anything.

I kicked the door in anger, I fell down to the floor with more gushing tears that ran down my face.

I don't want to give my heart away to another stranger, I want her.

I don't want another name rolling off my lips.

I don't want to feel that feeling without it being her or me.

I don't want to give someone else the better part of me.

I want her.

I don't want feel another touch or start another fire inside me, or knowing another kiss.

Without her, I want her and everything about her.

I don't want to another day to begin without her.

I don't think I'll never love again.

I don't think I will.

Why does it hurt so much?

Maybe she wasn't really mine, but I can't help but want her.

I should of say goodbye and said what I need to, to have her right now.

I wish I knew so I could of broke my heart into two so it wouldn't hurt this bad.

But it does.

Because she means something more to me then ever.

Tears flooded down as I tried to calm my thoughts down but that never worked.

Her hand rested under her chin as she looked at Mrs Minnes, ever so interested of what she was saying about the defence of the Khyber pass.

I looked at her in awe, her lips curved into a smile as Mrs Minnes asked a question which she surely knew the answer to.

Her hand shot up with her eyes darting straight at Mrs, indicating she knew the answer and wanted to answer so badly.

Mrs Minnes looked at her then looked at me but me oblivious because my eyes were focused onto her.

"Mr Velez, could you answer the question please?"Mrs Minnes asked as she looked at me, I suddenly realised when Vienna was staring at me.

I blinked and looked at Mrs. "Answer what?"

"About Bacha Khan and his poetry."Joel whispered to me.

"I think Mr Pimentel has told you, now answer the question."Mrs Minnes said as she looked at me pushing her glasses back.

"He was a famous poet but he was a warrior which fought defence for his place."I replied as I looked at her with a smile on my face.

"Know any poetry of his?"Mrs Minnes asked as she looked at me with her arms folded.

Erick shot his hand up, wanting to answer the question really badly.

I knew one but I was saving it for someone else and her name was Vienna.

Maybe I could say it now?


"Shame, you are missing out on a lot then."She said and Then Mrs Minnes looked at Erick. "Can you tell me one?"

Erick answered but I wasn't focused and just looked at Vienna.

"Amigo, it needs to stop."Joel whispered as he looked at me."It's stupid."

I want her so badly, I miss her so more and it's hard without her.

Now she's laying on that bed, my life only gets harder without her now I don't even know if she'll be alive or dead.

I looked up at the calling, to see patterns on the hotel celling. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes hoped to fall into a slumber.

But they opened, I sat myself up and looked down at my hands. Could I even get on with this day?

Seven days without her, it's so hard to wake up, it's so hard to even take a breath.

It's even hard to even have a wink of sleep without putting my arms around her, but she isn't there anymore is she?

Then it makes me think is she standing outside my room? Is she coming?

But she's not is she? Because she's gone.

I swayed my feet in front of me, placed my feet on the cold floor and tears brimmed in my tears.

I closed my eyes to see her crying her eyes out, I quickly opened my eyes only for tears rolled down my cheeks.

She's not here, she's gone.

I left the bathroom shortly, I walked to the waiting room. Ready to open the door but I stopped to hear a voice.

"It is me, I got her pregnant."Marc said.

And that's when my world began to crashed down once again.

She's definitely gone from me... She's gone.

What do you guys think? Sorry for the late updates, I'll try to update for this weekend but studying and things...

Marc did win against barca if you were wondering

Thanks for reading


Besos 😘

Halayna x

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