Chapter Twenty-one

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Next Day

Vienna's P.O.V

My alarm began to rang again, me letting out another groan and tossed my hand into the alarm, for the sound to stop.

One arm wrapped around my body loosely but felt so good and right at the moment, I turned back around and laid my head against his chest.

I closed my eyes, inhaling his scent making me feel loved and special in so many ways as I placed my hand on his chest.

My phone began to rang, I let out another frustrated groan and rolled back onto my side to my nightstand.

I half opened my eyes and looked down at my phone to see Coutinho's face on my phone.

My hand rubbed my forehead as I looked at him, wondering why he would be calling me on a damn Saturday for.

The call ended, then the time showed along with the date for it to be 10:30 on Thursday.

"What time is it?"He asked as he sat up on the bed, my back towards him.

I turned over my shoulder and looked at him. "It's 10:30."



He looked at me for a second, he was trying to remember something too.

He let out a sigh. "I have training today which means you have work today."

"For fuck sake, that's why Coutinho was ringing me."I said as I let out a sigh. "I really don't want to go in to work today."

Marc picked up his boxers on the end of the bed and slipped them on, he looked at me. "Well pep is gunna kill us both if we are really late."

"We already are, it's 10:30, I mean we could try calling in sick or something?"I suggested with a shrug of my shoulder.

"I really need to go to training today."Marc said as his hand ran through his hair."I'm sorry vi and you should come too."

"Yeah, you're right."

He got up from my bed, he picked up his clothes from last night and walked into the bathroom.

I got up from my bed with the sheets covering me, I walked into my closet and grabbed a pair of fresh clothes then left my room.

I walked into my other bathroom, I jumped into the shower and let the water take over my body.

Did me and Marc actually?...

How are we being so cool about it?

We haven't even spoke about it though...

And you think we should of...

What's going on?

Shit, do I have feelings for Marc now?

I'm falling for him?

What the hell am I doing with my life? The other night it was Chris and today it is Marc.

Who else is gunna jump in my bed? I'm such

My mind got interrupted with that thought by Marc yelling my name.

"Vienna? Vi?"Marc yelled my name, his voice making me smile and feel warm."Where are you?"

"In the shower, I'll be out in a second."I yelled as I washed the shampoo out of my hair.

I turned the shower off and wrapped the towel around my chest as I stepped out of the shower.

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