Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Fuck sake.."I muttered under my breath as I pulled away from the kiss, my hands rested on his chest.

"If it's important or som-"

I cut Marc off and looked at him. "I don't know who else it would be unless it's the guys."

"Well maybe you should answer the door."Marc suggested with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Yeah, you are right."

I moved my hands away, I looked at Marc then turned around and walked over to the door.

I opened the door to see Benji and Riki stood there, Riki holding a box of choccies and Benji had his hand in his pockets.

"Well someone finally answered the door didn't they?"Riki said as he rolled his eyes playfully and then looked at me.

His eyes widened when he looked at me. "Vien-"

Benji cut him off, by putting his hand in front of him not allowing him to take another step.

Benji looked up and looked at me with a smile on his face. "Hey Vienna."

"H-Hey guys."

"Can we come in?"Benji asked with a soft chuckle. "Or are we just going to stand out here?"

I let out a nervous chuckle and nodded, "Yeah sure you can."I replied as my hand touched the back of my neck.

Riki walked straight in, with a furious look on his face for some weird reason then Benji followed him in.

I closed the door behind them, thinking what was the change of Riki's face and why did they decide to visit me for?

I followed them into the living room to see Benji and Riki stood up, Riki looking around the room for some weird reason and Benji just had a smile on his face.

"So how have you been?"Benji asked as he sat down on the couch.

"I-I'm okay, do you guys want a drink or something?"I replied as I looked at them with a welcoming smile.

"We are fine, thank you for asking."Benji said with a smile on his face. "We just wanted to see you and how things are."

"Things are fine, I'm do-"

Riki cut me off and looked at me. "Things have must of been going so great for you, judging by what's on your neck."

"What are you on about?"

"You've got a little something on your neck."Benji said with a timidly look on his face as he looked at me.

"What ar-"I cut myself off as I felt them on my neck and let out a sigh. "Sorry, I didn't even realise I had them."

"Well who's the guy then?"Riki asked in an anger tone."He must be here."

"Shut up Riki, it isn't from a guy. It's this bedbug thing."I replied with a lie. "So shut up."

"That is bullshit."Riki said as he rolled his eyes at me.

"You are bullshit, you bullshitter."I said as I rolled my eyes at him.

Benji let out a soft chuckle and looked at me. "Tonight is our last night, we wanted to see you because after we are going on tour."

"Yeah, I realised that."

"The rest have gone out with those footballers you work with."Benji added. "We were offered to go but we wanted to see you."

"Those fipshits can't make their own friends here so they stole mine."

Riki looked at me with an are you serious look. "Fipshits? What the fuck is that?"

"Well you are the definition for it."I replied as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Can you both not? I've got something I want to talk about to Vienna."Benji stated as he nudged Riki to shut up.

I looked at Benji with a curious look. "What is it?"

"You and Chris, well you and all them; they are heartbroken over you and you couldn't blame them."Benji explained as he looked at me."The way things were left wasn't so good and I'm just hoping maybe you would want to sort it out."

I let out a sigh and looked at Benji. "I can't, I physically and mentally can't do it again with them. I never meant to hurt them and their hearts but they have to get over me. They've done it this long."

"They really try but they find themselves back to square one."Riki said as he let out a sigh. "Maybe you guys should talk it out, come on, Richard is your half-brother."

"I can't guys, I really can't. It's too much."

"Just try once more for us?"Benji asked with a expression of hope on his face.

"I can't."

Benji's phone began to rang, he pulled it out of his pocket and picked it up.

After a few mintues, he hung up the phone call and stood up. He looked at Riki. "We've gotta go, Fede needs us."

Riki got up and nodded, he looked at me and nodded again at me. "I'll see you when I see you cousin."Then he hugged me.

Benji hugged me and looked at me with a smile. "I know you've got someone here, if he's good one keep him."He whispered.

Then they left.

Marc walked out of the kitchen and looked at me, my eyes brimmed with tears and they began to streamed down my face.

He hugged me tight, pulling me closer to his chest making me feel something I haven't felt in such time.

Marc scored for Spain!!!! AYYY IT WAS AN AMAZING GOALL!!

Marc and Vienna or Chris and Vienna???

Thanks for reading

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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