1. "I love you Natsu."

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Lucy Heartfilia

I stared at the note that was freshly written on my desk. My heart pumped in anxiety as I read it. This was a love letter, filled with my thoughts and feelings for one certain person.

I stroked my feathered ink pen, spelling the name of my best friend; Natsu Dragneel.

Today was a very special day to me. It's the three year anniversary when me and Natsu had first met. It was also the day that I had joined Fairy Tail.

And now, it will be even more special as I'll confess my feelings to Natsu.

Originally, I was going to wait till Natsu sneaks in my house, but my gut was telling me to go to the guild right now. So that's where I was running to right now.

I slammed the guild doors open, "good morning minna!" This was my routine every time I walk in. Everyone's eyes turned to me, smiling as they greeted back.

"Good morning Lucy, you're happier than usual." Mira said as I was skipping towards the bar where she worked.

The corners of my smile reached from ear to ear. I couldn't hide my happiness from Mira, "I'm gonna confess to Natsu today!" I squealed.

"Oh my Lucy' I'm so happy for you!" She started jumping up and down. "I always knew you had feelings for him. It's about time you told him how you feel."

Other than Levy, I had always told Mirajane my secrets. "Have you seen Natsu?"

She nodded, pointing to the back door. "He's with Lisanna." I bit my lip as I heard her name.

When Lisanna came back to Fairy Tail, she's been very nice. We immediately became close and I'm very fond of her. But for some reason, the thought of her being with Natsu alone, had me a little worried.

I knew their past relationship; how they raised Happy ever since he was an egg, how they promised to be together forever, and even how devastated Natsu was when Lisanna died. Happy even told me Natsu was crying tears of joy when he seen Lisanna alive back at Edolas.

I shook my head, wiping away all my doubt and negativity. I had to stay positive for this to work out, at least I hope it does. I couldn't let anything bring me down, not even jealousy.

I thanked Mira as I quietly skipped towards the back door. I stared at the huge door, placing my hands on it, ready to push. But I hesitated. I didn't wanna open it and interrupt their conversation, what if it was something important like a secret.

But curiosity killed this poor celestial wizard, so instead I pushed the door slightly, just enough to hear exactly what they were saying.

"Natsu, what did you wanna talk about?" Lisanna's small angelic voice spoke.

"Well, to tell you the truth..." Natsu stuttered quietly, which was something new. "Ever since the beginning I always felt some sort of way for you and.."

My heart stopped.

"I think I like you, NO! I might love you even! So what I'm trying to say is, will you go out with me?!"

I couldn't breathe. Everything started to turn, and the look on Lisanna's face was pure happiness and love. "I love you too Natsu!" As she jumped onto the pink haired dragon slayer, my heart jumped too.

My never ending confidence, finally shattered as I seen their shadow kiss through the sunlight of the door. "Gosh Natsu, this is so exciting! Lets go inside and share the news with the others."

I gasped, as i felt a push on the door, revealing it to be Lisanna and Natsu locking hands. The two walked past me, not even acknowledging my presence as they walked in the guild. But before they could get far, my mouth

"Natsu!" I flinched, where did that come from. I bit my lip as the two turned, a happy grin on both their faces. "Can I talk to you for a bit?" I started to stutter.

What was there to talk about? He's with Lisanna now. But for some reason, my heart couldn't believe it, so it convinced my body to disobey my mind.

"Sure, Lisanna I'll catch up with you in a bit." Natsu waved goodbye to Lisanna, then walking over to me, with a toothy grin and a smile that screamed he was in love.

That completely broke my heart. "Uh Natsu I have to tell you something-.." I started.

"Me too Luce! I finally did it! I confessed my feelings to Lisanna... and now we're together! I am so happy, happier than ever actually!" He beamed, jumping up and down. "I can already see it, were gonna be the power couple, and in a couple years time, I'll ask her to marry me!"

I gasped, my eyes widened as he began to rant even more about how he plans his relationship to be. "Whoa whoa wait, Natsu! You don't really think you'll... grow old with her and get married, right?"

He tilted his head and stared at me confused. "Of course I do. She is the one I love after all."

"B-but you can always.. fall out of love, you know!" I held in a sob while he furrowed his brows in frustration. "I mean there will be times where the relationship will not always work. And-.."

"Lucy," i flinched as his voice shook soft and serious, eyes narrowed into a glare and teeth and fists clenched together. "What the hell is going on? I thought you were my friend? Why are you-.."

"Because I'm in love with you!" I screamed. "I always have and I always will! Natsu you were my first love!"

His eyes widened and he stared at me in total disbelief. There was a moment of silence, just between me and him, I could tell he was confused and startled, but nonetheless, he answered. "I'm sorry Luce.. but I don't feel the same."

I gasped softly as I could feel my insides shattering into a million little pieces. This was how rejection felt like, and it hurt like a bitch. He stared at the ground, averting his eyes away from me and continued. "Luce, you will always be my friend and I hope nothing will change that."

My eyes saddened, sniffing a tear back. "I understand." Even without looking at Natsu, I could feel his pity staring down at me. "I-I gotta go."

"No Lucy wait-.." Natsu began, taking a step forward, but stopped as his name was being called by Lisanna. He turned to her and she motioned her hand for him to come. He turned back to me and sighed, "we'll talk about this later." He replied, walking slowly back to his loved one while I just watched his back.

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