Just The Beginning

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January 21, 2001

"I'm sorry guys! I don't feel so good, I think you should go on without me!"

Bailey Baxter crouched further into the corner of her bathroom stall, a petrified look across her face as she lifted her hand up to view.

It shifted to a faded colour, and back to normal, over and over, and a pain spiked in the core of her stomach each time. It shot through like electricity, and she let out a loud groan and fell once more against the door.

"Are you sure? You don't sound too good in there..." a soft and high pitched voice asked her, knocking on the high-school bathroom door once more.

"ab-"she groaned and fell again, "solutely... positive," Bailey bit down on her bottom lip, and hit her head to the ground while clutching her stomach.

"Okay... lets just go, quick," one of her two friends spoke, and tapped the other on the shoulder to leave.

They were quite happy with leaving the brunette alone, in fact they didn't really want her to tag along in the first place. For the past few days she had been acting too abnormal for the 16 year olds' likings.

As soon as their footstep grew too soft for Bailey to hear, she let out a scream that could shatter the mirrors, but didn't.

Her whole body shifted its Tangibility, and instead of leaning onto her bathroom side wall, she went straight through and into another stall.

There was a faint shout, as if someone was trying to shout at her to leave, but when she tried to stand up and lean her hand against the wall for support, it phased through.

With wide eyes, she brought her hand to her face, tears forming in her eyes from the terror she felt. And then it all went black.

Emma Wade had tried not to freak out when a Brown-Haired girl came tumbling through her door, but couldn't contain it any longer when said girl fell to the floor in unconsciousness.

It didn't go unnoticed how scared Bailey was herself, and that helped Emma decide to drag the girl out of the bathrooms and to her car. When she started up the engine, Bailey's eyes fluttered open, and an immediate headache spiked.

All she could remember from then forth, was waking up in Emma's room with a washcloth draped over her forehead, and Emma herself sitting at her desk waiting for Bailey to come to her senses.

The two spent the whole weekend behind the computer, researching the condition of the intangible girl, and bonding over stories and shared interests.

The next few years of their friendship included the teen normality, boyfriends and heartbreaks, temper tantrums and secrets. They confided in one another so much so, that Emma was the only person that knew of Bailie Baxter's ability to not only become an intangibility sort of state, but flying as well.

Multiple Danny Phantom jokes got thrown around in their later years.

There was then more googling of Bailey's powers after that. They waited together for the day that after-effects such as invisibility, density manipulation, dimension shifting, fluidity bypassing, or phase shifting would occur.

But only one side-effect was noticed, her air walking/ flight / levitation of herself, and that's how it stayed for a while.

The best friends graduated from their local high school, and moved to the loud city of New York together. They both received small jobs at a local art Gallery, becoming waitresses after, and sales Women after that.

But now lived in two different worlds, Emma recently married to a lovely man named Aaron, and Bailey climbing into a black and grey suit every evening to fight crime.

The two had met Aaron at an art gallery premiere, everyone trying to snap photos of the artworks to sell to newspapers or magazines, and the professional photographer had caught a certain Miss. Wades' eye, leaving her as Emma Holde-Wade.

Love never found Bailie, especially after a certain Gay realisation dawned on her when she was 17 years old. Another contributing factor, was that her job consisted of her taking out bad people that would most likely want to get revenge one day.

She could only wish that one day she would find someone that would be able to hold herself, take care of attackers, and be by Baxter's side at every second.

At the same time she didn't want that at all, because that would just place her loved one in more harm's way.

But this story doesn't always give the Baxter what she wants.

[I hate to do this, but please check out my other book Avengers: Altruism. I'm so proud with what I've accomplished and will accomplish in that story! It's definitely better in the editing and grammar field, the story is more planned and broken down as well. Basically, I'm proud. Check it out!]

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