Chapter 2.12

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"You know where to meet them?" Bailey asked as she slammed the trunk shut

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"You know where to meet them?" Bailey asked as she slammed the trunk shut.

"Yes, don't worry," Sharon smiled to her in thanks.

Bax only sighed, "They really didn't put us in a good position here, did they?"

Sharon shrugged at the thought. Sure it was a lot of work, and they would probably receive a bunch of backlash for it, but she was sure neither girls would do so if it were unnecessary.

"I trust Rogers, he's got his head screwed on all right," Bailey nodded in agreement, avoiding the eye contact as she was sure Sharon would try to get anything out of her, "They expecting a fight?"

"We don't expect them to be let out so easily, Ross has to have heard the news by now and have all his puppets after them," Bax sighed at the thought that was the clear possibility.

"That's why I have to get these to them," Sharon gave her a sad smile, and rested a hand on Bax's.

The alarm that was set off an hour ago finally came to an end, and the whole Joint Counter Terrorist Centre headquarters filled with electrical life once again. This meant that tracking and other means of communication could begin again.

Bailey's eyes met the blue ones, and both pairs reflected their pounding hearts of worry, "And you have to get going now," they ran around the car and opened the front doors.

"Where do you need to be dropped off again?" Sharon asked, sticking the key into the ignition.

"Where do you need to be dropped off again?" Sharon asked, sticking the key into the ignition

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"And I... don't suppose you have any idea where they are?" Secretary's voice of disappointment was definitely something to light up Natasha Romanoff's day as is.

"We will," Tony counteracted, "GSG 9's got the borders covered. Recon's flying 24/7. They'll get a hit, we'll handle it."

"You don't get it, Stark, it's not yours to handle," Nat looked up at this and the Avengers' eyes met one another, "It's clear you can't be objective. I'm putting Special Ops on this."

Natasha couldn't allow that, Bailey was sure to be with them soon and if she wasn't able to get a phone call in with the Blonde, how was she supposed to warn her? For all she knew, Bax could already be at the border, ready for arrest from helping the Winter Soldier and co. escape in the first place. Luckily she was the only one who knew this when she saw the car leave the premises.

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