Chapter 18

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            "Took the words right out of my mouth, hmm, it must've been when you were kissing me," Bailey hummed the tune, trying not to laugh as the Avengers forced to listen to her all rolled their eyes

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"Took the words right out of my mouth, hmm, it must've been when you were kissing me," Bailey hummed the tune, trying not to laugh as the Avengers forced to listen to her all rolled their eyes.

It wasn't the first time the woman hummed during a fight or conversation, and although they'd never admit to it, the humming calmed them down. As long as she didn't start singing, they would never complain.

Bailey made a heavy landing on the frosted ground next to Pietro as he sped out a building.

The blur slowed down next to her, giving her a wink before speeding up again and combat fighting the Ultron's around the city centre.

"Nice of you to join us, yes?" he cheekily taunted.

He smacked a head off a robot, and came up next to her, holding as strings of wires and not leaving a single machine standing for now.

"Would've came sooner, but up till now you were looking fine," Bailey replied in the same mannerism tone.

She shot three lasers at the chest of another robot, hitting his power source on target.

Screams caught both of their attention, and they looked over to see where Steve Rogers was trying to hold a car at the edge of a bridge and trying to prevent it from falling.

"He needs a person who can fly," Pietro so wisely pointed out.

"Your powers help you come up with that so quickly?" Bax rolled her eyes and shot into the sky.

She came up above the red convertible, hovering in front of the face of a terrified female Adult.

"It's okay, we've got you!" Bailey shouted a little too early, as the bumper broke off the car, and stayed in Steve's hand.

He heart skipped a beat as she watched the convertible slip off the side of the cliff, slowly and then all at once. It tumbled through the air, picking up speed the closer it got to the ground. It was a quick thought, but Bailey hadn't had much experience in catching falling cars. She dove down to grab at the person, trying to get a hold of her seat or anything really. Her hand grabbed at the woman's jacket, yanking her right out of her seat belt and into Bailey's arms.

Within a split second, her body was faced back up and they were travelling through the air to reach the floating rock instead of touching down to the ground where rubble was still falling and threatening lives of the civilians at the bottom.

Cap had climbed onto the side of the flying city ground, hanging onto a pipe at he stretched out his hand in order for Bailey to be able to hand the woman over to him. Thankfully Steve knew that Bax wasn't as strong as she was supposed to be, and couldn't hold people in her arms for too long.

"I got you! Just look at me!"

He called out the woman the same time Bailey dove down to catch the green car that flew right past her ear. She dropped further and landed on the bonnet, with a hit she smashed the glass in order to grab at the Father and Son sitting in the front seats.

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