Chapter 12

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[so sorry for this, just a quick note that I really wanted to get out. This was absolutely my most favorite chapter to write, and probably the one I'm the proudest of. I can say this because the book is finished and sitting in my drafts, I'm just slowly publishing to get the most reads I can. Lastly, a trigger warning for there is blood and references of death.]

"He's just gonna stay here?" Bailey asked Tony while she zipped the side of her suit.

They both looked to where Bruce sat, eyes closed, and then back to each other.

"We'll be fine, he'll be fine," Tony said and clamped his helmet shut.

"You've got your earpiece, right?" he asked her.

Bailey nodded her bead, and strapped on her flying goggles that were wired by Tony to connect with Jarvis.

"What's the plan?" Steve walked up to the two, and summoned his shield to his arm with magnetism.

"We never have a plan," Bax butted in.

"Why start now, right?" Tony lit up his boosters, and flew towards the ship that was docked in the salvage yard.

"One, two, three, follow me," Bax sung out and followed where the man had flown off to.

She flew over to the side of the docks, and found a window on one of the cargo ship that was left open. She slid her body through, and found herself at a staircase that led to seemingly nothingness.

"It's a thing with me," loud voice boomed and Bax watched a man go rolling down her stair case.

She phased into the wall, becoming hidden amongst the shadows, and another man came running after him.

"Stark is... he's a sickness!" Ultron shouted.

"Ah, Junior," Tony flew down, and landed on the bridge in front of Bailey. Both Thor and Steve walked up behind him, Steve motioning for Bailey to stay where she is as backup.

"You're gonna break your old man's heart," Tony complained.

"If I have to," Ultron replied, taking a few steps closer to the group.

Bailey noticed the two Maximoff Twins creep with him, she wasn't told that they would be here and reminded herself to have a small chat with Steve afterwards.

Bailey pressed her back to the wall so that she could watch both her team and the two men that got pushed down the stairs. She was behind the Male Twin, who was fidgeting and tapping irritably.

"Nobody has to break anything," Thor intervened with a compromise.

"Clearly you've never made an omelette," Ultron sarcastically replied.

"He beat me by one second."

Bailey let out an eye roll, and made a move to grab the Laser Gun that was strapped in her thigh holster.

"Ah, yes. He's funny," The boy stepped out, away from Bailey now and gave her a much clearer shot in case anything were to happen.

"Mr. Stark," he greeted, "It's what? Comfortable?" he asked, straining his head in the direction of the nukes that sat below them. "Like old times?"

"This was never my life," Tony defended himself with a sigh of words.

"You two can still walk away from this," Steve warned them.

"Oh, we will," Wanda puckered her lips and nodded in sympathy, as if teasing a young kid that she had their lollipop.

"I know you've suffered-" he got interrupted by Ultron scoffing loudly.

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