Chapter 22

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(I apologise right now... this is a major filleer chapter and I really wasn't feeling the inspiration for it. Luckily though! Everything picks up from the next chapter as I end the Age of Ultron phase, diving into Cival War next.

I have a simple question for those lovely, dedicated readers though.

Should Cival War take place in a Sequel Book, or should i split this book into a two part and write Infinity War and Avengers 4 in a second book?

I'd love to recieve anyone's input, and promise this to be the last A/N until the end of this book.

Without further a-do, on with the show Dear.)


Three Months Later

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Three Months Later

"How much longer to go?" Bailey asked Laura.

They sat on the outside patio, sipping at some homemade lemonade that Lila had decided to make upon Bax's arrival. The little girl was thrilled to see her friend pop in for a visit over three months since she had last seen her.

Bailey was just as excited to be here, but not exactly for the same reason. About a few weeks ago, she had rung up Clint on his landline, asking that when Emma went into labour whether she could bunk at his place for a while. She wanted to give the couple some space to get used to the newest edition to the household, and seeing as Bailey didn't actually live in their apartment, she kicked herself out.

"Any day now," Laura smiled back at her, rubbing her swollen belly.

"You're not really going to name him Nathaniel, right? I think Baxter suits him way better," Bailey joked.

"Emma naming her kid after you not good enough?" Laura scoffed back.

"Bly is barely recognisable as 'my name', excuse me," Bax rolled her eyes. The two women looked at one another and burst into a short laughter.

"You really are a brat," The Mother shook her head.

"You're the one who lets me around your kids," she raised her hands up in defence.

"Watch your tongue, Bails. They're mine too," Clint walked out the front door, one hand tucked in his blue jeans and the other holding up his phone.

"Did you just say 'Bails'? Barton, if you didn't tell me she was there-"

"Is that Nat?" Bailey jumped up.

"Boy, look what I just got myself into. Can't have a friendly chat with my best friend, can I?" he rolled his eyes and handed the phone over.

Bailey shakenly took the phone. First her niece was entering the world, and now she was able to speak to Natasha again after months. Could this day be better for her? Was there even a possibility to be happier?

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