Chapter 2.4

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Bailey pushed her sunglasses further up where they sat on her nose.

She looked over to where Wanda stirred at a cup of tea a few feet away from her, and didn't dare look back to where the seat of her chair almost touched Natasha Romanoff's. With her left hand she mixed the coffee in front of her, dark from the lack of milk.

With her right hand, she was typing away at her phone. Everyone around her assumed she was texting, she looked round about the age that was part of the new generation, but in reality she was tracking down the closest cameras and trying to send the information to Friday in order for the U.I to hack into them, and disable them.

Wanda turned around, sipping at her cup, and made brief eye-contact with her mentor. Bailey just gave a curt nod in reassurance, and brought her gaze back down the quoted sugar packet in front of her.

"All right, what do you see?" Steve asked the newer member, testing her.

"Standard beat cops," She replied, trying to look nonchalant while placing her cup back down, "Small Station. Quiet Street," she looked back towards the police and pedestrians, "It's a good target."

"There's an ATM at the south corner, which means?" Cap asked her, all part of the training course.

"Cameras," Wanda answered in confidence.

"Both cross streets are one-way," Bailey sipped at her tea, barely missing Nat's eyes that stared at her for helping the trainee; Bax looked away.

"So, compromised escape routes?" Wanda guessed, trying her hardest here.

"Meaning he doesn't mind being seen," Bailey sent a sympathetic smile at her, helping her more, "He isn't afraid to make somewhat of a mess on his way out."

"See that Range Rover halfway up the block?" Steve asked her.

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute," Wanda commented, mixing in more sugar to her tea.

"It's also bulletproof, which means private security... which means more guns... which means more headaches for somebody- probably us," Nat finally joined in, turning a bit to the side to raise her eyebrows at both girls.

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