Chapter 14

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            [I apologize in advance, her hair is not this short and you will see how that plays a key role later

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[I apologize in advance, her hair is not this short and you will see how that plays a key role later. Bailey's hair is in fact a length that surpasses her shoulder blades.]

"She made me see everything I've possibly ever feared..." Bailey ended her story of what Wanda had planted in her mind.

Natasha and she laid on the silk sheets of their bed, Bailey facing the Redhead while she rested on her stomach. Nat laid on her side, head resting on her arm, and hand playing with Bailey's fingers as she listened.

Bax told her everything, like she'd asked.

Starting from when she walked in on Emma in her nightmare, to watching Nat lay motionless, and her parents convincing her that Bax wasn't worth that type of sacrifice.

Luckily Nat knew that pain, and accepted every shake of fear or tear that rolled, which helped Bailey more than the Red Head would ever know.

"You know," Nat started her own story, "After everything that happened with S.H.I.E.L.D, after my little hiatus, I went back to Russia to try and find my parents."

Bailey shuffled her body across the bed to be closer to the woman, feeling the sadness that was approaching.

Nat let out a small sniffle, which she was quick to cover up.

"Two little gravestones by a chain link fence," she laughed at the sweet memory of once having them close by.

"I pulled some weeds and left some flowers... helped my conscience," she dropped Bax's hand, letting it fall to the bed and bunce a little.

Bailey instead raised her arm, and summoned her intangibility powers to enable her to phase. They watched as her arm shimmered, almost translucent.

"We have what we have, when we have it," she offered as comfort.

"This is why we've gotta take it now, right?" Nat laughed at her, looking into her eyes.

Bailey gave a smirk, a sense of final happiness surged through her entire chest, and she never wanted to wake up from this dream.

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