Chapter 4

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Bailey Baxter watched as a building slowly came into view in front of her.

It looked too old to be of government property, and too big to be any normal house in the woods. She tried looking over her shoulder to see if anybody else was doing anything, or how they were going to start this. She was sure they agreed on a quiet attack, using the element of surprise.

That was until a blue beam shot right at her, and at the last minute she rolled in the air.

That gave her enough convincing to go down closer to the ground, and closer to her fellow Avengers.

She came down near the Jeep Natasha was driving, and Tony flew right next to her.

"You okay, kid?" he asked, and shot at a tree he was going to fly into.

"I'm 30!" she defended.

"Sure you are," he teased.

Bax then pushed him out the way, as a bunker on wheels appeared behind them and shot another one of those blue beams of hot energy. Soldiers rounded the woods, and stood their guard. They all tried their best to shoot at the group of heroes making their way towards the base.

That wasn't all, because as Bax pulled out a handgun from her belt, a figure tackled her out of the sky.

These soldiers had a jet pack of sorts, and a few of them had gone after the flying Figures of herself and Tony. Bax sent an elbow into his face, and watched as he fell towards the ground. She then had to catch her breath quickly, and convinced herself to just start shooting at anybody who shot at her.

She watched as a group of the Hydra soldiers started climbing the moving jeep, and flew down to Hawkeye's side. She swiftly landed on the back, and started sending kicks and punches at anybody who got too close to the man that preferred a far range target.

She sent a foot into the face of someone trying to climb up the side of the car, but missed as she got distracted as she watched the Hulk tear a man from his legs right next to them.

The person she was trying to fight then grabbed her leg and tried to pull himself up, but Bailey changed her phase state, and watched as his hand went straight through and he fell under the wheel.

"That's gotta hurt in the morning," she commented, but then got thrown to the other side of the car as Nat did a wide turn.

The Jeep then tipped and Bailey threw herself back into the air of the fight.

She felt so much confidence and pride as she watched all the Avengers fall into line next to her in the sky, and it seemed as the world began to move in slow motion.

She tucked her body into a bullet position, and landed a fist in the face of a ground soldier.

She laughed, and flew after Tony as she watched him go ahead of the fight. He seemed to be going straight for the building, obviously trying to break in through a window. Bax then watched him hit the side of the building, and a Blue Shield around the building lit up in protection.

That was the only warning she needed to come to her senses, and change direction just before she landed the same fate as the Iron Man.

"Shit!" he cursed out from pain.

"language!" Steve reprimanded over the ear Comms they were all wearing, "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"

Tony's A.I. then gave an explanation about the energy shield that Bailey just couldn't pay attention to, as she was a little preoccupied by the men threatening her life.

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