Chapter 11

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The next morning was the first in a while that Bailey slept in.

She just couldn't bring herself to get up, someone would have to walk past and peel her off. It was one of those days where she needed a lay in, and time to think or remember.

Last night had been hectic in more ways than one. She was brought completely out of her comfort zone by chatting with Nat throughout the evening, and had definitely shared multiple laughs with the rest of the team, and then Ultron happened.

Her first Stark party had definitely been the eventful one, and she could only hope not all of them would end like this.

With a loud and echoing sigh, Bailey sat up in her bed.

It was probably that time when everyone would want to sort out the problem at hand. Why couldn't they all just procrastinate as she would do her entire schooling career, and adult life.

Luckily it was quick to get dressed, a training shirt with tights and boots. She proceeded to go in search for something to eat, she had completely forgotten about lunch or dinner yesterday due to the commotion around the Tower, and skipped Breakfast and early lunch to sleep in.

She stepped out of her room, and her heart dropped. There was shards of glass that littered the floor, mockingly resembling her snow of hair. Tables were turned over, chairs broken, and more importantly, fruit bowls smashed and the fruit bruised or split open.

Bailey really wanted that apple.

She frowned and settled for two slices of bread, and slid them into the toaster.

"Please, don't make for me I've eaten already," the sarcastic voice of Clint Barton appeared behind her.

"You're lucky you found me before I was finished then," she played along.

"Did you sleep last night?" he asked out of concern.

"Why, does it look like I haven't?"

"I'm just checking up on you Bails," he shrugged and raised his hands in surrender.

She sighed, "I know I'm sorry. Also, it's Bax. If you use a nickname you use Bax," she pointed a finger at him, forever proud of the unique nickname Tony Stark had called her by months ago.

It was something she had never heard, her life had always been "bailey" or "Bails", she was proud to be acknowledged through her family name and live on what her parents had left behind.

"Right, right," he laughed at her, and took a seat on one of the bar stools.

"We really did a good job, didn't we?" Bailey teased.

"We're the Avengers, if we kick ass we kick it hard."

They fell into a comfortable laughter, and the toaster dinged.

"Holy shit!" someone jumped from the sound as they rounded the corner.

"Super assassin trained to not be afraid of anyone who stands in her way, Ladies and Gentlemen, just got frightened by a toaster. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to take this, Hello? Morning Ma'am," Clint sarcastically clapped before picking up his ringing phone.

With the flip-phone held to his ear he walked up the stairs and into a broken room in order to speak to them in silence.

"He will pay for that," Nat promised.

"I think it's hilarious, remind me that if I ever need your attention to just find the toaster in the room. Thanks," Bax laughed as she bit into the merely warm bread.

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