Chapter 2.5

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"He said to me, 'please tell Rogers. When you gotta go... you gotta go'."

Bailey came to a stand-still once she reached the scene of Steve Rogers and Brock Rumlow standing face-to-face with one another, or more like Rumlow on his knees and Steve at the advantage.

She wasn't sure whether to get involved or not, would she be giving Steve the upper hand or ruining a game play he had already planned out? She could easily make these matters worse, worse enough that more of the Avengers would have to get involved. Bailey was sure that Steve wouldn't appreciate it if she did so.

Wanda ran up behind her and she held out a hand that signalled for her to stop right there.

"Steve can handle himself," Bax told her, as an order to stand down and let him handle this himself.

"Trust me," she stared into Bailey's eyes, pleading.

Bax was almost certain that Wanda was trying to manipulate her thoughts, but didn't want to believe that the little girl would do such a thing just to 'help' Steve.

Suddenly she felt the overcoming need to put her hand down and stand out of the way.

"What are you doing?" she whispered to the teen, barely able to control her own body.

"I can read his mind. Steve won't come out of this without me," the red ring in Wanda's eyes faded as she lifted the spell off her mentor.

Although free to move her own body at her own will, she still did not make a move to stop the Maximoff as she walked onto a battle field.

"And you're coming with me," Rumlow growled out, clicking a pin out of a grenade.

Bailey almost couldn't believe her eyes as the ring of fire broke into the sky, flames barely licking Steve as a red bubble engulfed it to protect the civilians around the scene. Wanda was crouched over, arms in the air and scarlet psionic energy painting her hands.

Steve stared at Wanda, then looked to Bailey, silently asking if this was what they did on a daily bases for training. By the astonished look in Bax's eyes, he figured this particular skill was news to her as well.

Wanda let out a scream, forcing Rumlow to fly in the air and trying to recreate a move Steve had pulled earlier when he threw his shield above the heads so that a bomb would go off in the air. She couldn't hold so much energy at once, especially as it tried to burn away at her barrier.

Rumlow flew into the sky, levitated by the girl who had developed the trick quite well compared to how she began. This skill was becoming as handy as Bax predicted it would be in battle, and she didn't know when she would have another opportunity to thank her and tell her she was right.

Unfortunately, the second she had to release the explosion that was eating away at her physical energy, was a second or so too early. The side of the building was caught in the burst of flames, lighting up other floors.

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