Chapter 17

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Bailey shuffled around Steve's closet, and pulled out one of his grey tight skin shirts.

"Here, take this," she tossed it over to Pietro, and then pulled down a pair of running sneakers for him.

"It will fit?" he raised an eyebrow to her, bundling the shirt up.

"Steve's a big guy, sure," she shrugged, and pointed to the grey material in his hands, "But his shirts are small. I have a feeling it has to do with Tony's wardrobe committee, might have a slight crush on the guy."

"Thank you," he nodded to her, and faced his sister who was wearing one of Nat's jackets, like Bailey herself.

Bailey continued wearing the tights and leather jacket instead of her cat suit, for her own personal reasons (being that she felt closer to Nat), and gently touched a folded piece of paper in the pocket every now and then.

There was a knock on the door, and Tony interrupted her moment of playing dress-up with the twins.

"Put these in," he handed all three of the youngest members earpieces to be able to communicate with the team.

Wanda looked sceptically to Pietro, who just shrugged and copied Bailey's action of tilting her head and trying to comfortably sit the piece of metal inside. Still unsure about the Comms, Wanda fitted it in her ears anyways.

Bax smiled at her, resting her hand on the younger girl's shoulder, and giving her a reassuring squeeze. Wanda was grateful at this, feeling Bailey had been the only Avenger to really accept her and her brother, or at least trying to be more than just civilised.

Bax nodded her head to the door, asking them to leave as she wanted some one-on-one time with one of her mentors in this industry.

As soon as they left, Tony held out a loosely wrapped gift to her.

"What's this?" she asked.

"Call it a new toy, her name's Friday," he shrugged, pulling off the silk wrapping to reveal a new set of goggles for her to use.

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