Chapter 2.1

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"Again," Bailey requested, heavily breathing as she lowered herself to the floor

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"Again," Bailey requested, heavily breathing as she lowered herself to the floor.

It was two weeks after her arrival to the facility, and she had already over-worked the new recruit assigned to her. Wanda never even imagined how Bailey's mind was creative enough to come up with such means for her to practise her psionic energy on. Nor did she realise exactly how professional Bailey could be when she was trying to prove herself as a substantial leader.

"ATM cameras, phones, Surveillance cameras, GPS Garmin's, and... uh..." Wanda recited the possibilities of the technology that could catch criminals in a hit-and-run, and what they would be trying to avoid.

"Speed camera's and police Bat Radars. That was only two this time, better," Bailey complimented but Wanda still winced at her words.

"Two laps then?" her accent asked.

"Nah, I think we're good for the day," Wand perked up at her instructors' words.

"I can go to my room now? Sleep for the rest of the day?"

"Let's just try your levitation manipulation once more," Bailey requested, lifting her body into the air of the gymnasium.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Wanda sceptically asked her, hands swirling at her side while the energy engulfed them.

"Worth a shot right? Come on, Wanda. This will only benefit you in a fight," she urged the teen on.

Bailey saw the doubt in her face, the doubt that had been created during their first attempt at Wanda using her powers to 'fly'. Yes, Bailey definitely had an obsession with flying, but this would be a total game changer for the team. If Wanda could fly herself, who else could she fly?

No, this was not an excuse for Wanda to levitate Cap around so that Bax wouldn't have to carry him.

"Impressive," Sam complimented from the ground, "But can she hold it?"

"I seem to be keeping in the air alright, Sam," Wanda chuckled back, almost losing her balance in the air from the quick loss of concentration.

"Whoa!" Bailey flew over to her side, straightening out her arms so that her elbows lock, "Let's not jinx anything, okay?"

Wanda nodded, looking down at the ground and realising a fall from here would cost her gravely. She couldn't understand how Bailey was able to do this without the fear of ending up on the ground in ways that aren't a safe landing.

"How far do you think we could push that?" Steve asked her, nodding his head up at Wanda who was fully able to hold her own in the air now.

"You suggesting she gets someone else up here?" Bailey teased with a smirk.

"Why not?"

The flashback brought a shiver to her spine. It wasn't her fondest memory, knowing what happened after that little question. Steve being the bravest had obviously volunteered himself to be the test subject, and nobody liked what had happened next- especially the Workers that had to replace a twenty-foot tall window of glass.

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