Chapter 19

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Bailey flew in the air with her hands tucked under Nat's arms, faster than her teenage self would only dream of being able to do one day

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Bailey flew in the air with her hands tucked under Nat's arms, faster than her teenage self would only dream of being able to do one day.

The Avengers were called to assemble in the church, the final part of the city where the Ultron's roamed freely. Together they had managed to get nearly all the Sokovians in the city into lifeboats, saving them from the risk that was invading. They had also destroyed nearly half of the robots, the rest dispersing and trying to run to survive.

They were half-way to saving the Earth. What was left for them now was to make sure they disabled the key that could send the meteor crashing into the world's surface and wiping out millions, as well as making sure not a single Ultron left to the real world, and every civilian did get transported off. Injured, dead, alive, unconscious, they deserved to feel the world again someway.

"Romanoff, you and Baxter better not be hiding in a dark corner," Tony impatiently teased, waiting for the last two members of the team to arrive and aid them in the never-ending fight.

"Relax, Shell-Head. Not all of us are enhanced with super-speed," Nat rolled her eyes with her left hand clicked her mic on, shooting back to him with a quip on the enhanced Maximoff Kid that was able to speed through the city in less than a few seconds.

They came in through a wide Church window that had been smashed during the previous fight, leaving a rainbow of colours to litter the floor of the Church. Bailey dropped down next to the glass, unwrapping her hands from around Nat and immediately falling into a stance that looked out the giant doors where she could watch the metal figures creep up on them.

Natasha wasn't far behind her, stepping to her side and too was focused with the robots approaching, ready for battle. Robots circled the surroundings, trying to close in and reach the key. Bailey snarled at one that got too close to her, and shot at it from in the sky. She was using her eagle-eyes, and of course the help from Friday, to scan the makeshift Ultron's picking out possible threats to her teammates. The robots seemed to concentrate on the Avengers stationed on the ground rather than the four that flew around everywhere.

"What's the drill?" Natasha asked Tony, scanning the room around her.

"That," Tony pointed his steel hand at the vibranium key, "is the drill."

"Three o'clock," Bailey listened to Fridays accented voice, and turned to shoot at a creeping metal man.

"If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose," Tony broke it down perfectly, not adding any pressure at all to the already complicated situation.

As if they needed a better reason to place their lives on the line, now it was really happening, again. They were completely ready to kick as many asses as they possibly could. This moment in time Bax was completely grateful she had a gun in her hands, where she didn't have to get up close and personal like Pietro, or Cap. Even Natasha surveyed the grounds, electroshock batons in hand, and lodged them in the chest of her opponents.

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