Chapter 23

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Bailey scoffed as she lunged her suitcase across the road towards an Orange and Black Audi that was parked not too far away

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Bailey scoffed as she lunged her suitcase across the road towards an Orange and Black Audi that was parked not too far away.

A figure in tight jeans with sunglasses lent against it, eye-ing her as she crossed over to him. A taxi threatened to drive her over, and she turned around to cuss back at him for not looking out for her in the first place. She turned back and masked her face with a grateful smile, walking over to Tony Stark who just stood enjoying the entertainment.

"Miss me, Rocket Ship?" she asked him, pulling her rolling suitcase to a stop next to him.

"Depends, how's my suit?" he referred to his gift to Bailey from months back.

"Oh, look at the time. We better get going if we want to get there for Lunch," she tapped on his trunk, indicating for him to open it.

He shook his head with a sigh, and clicked a button on his car keys, allowing the trunk to self-raise. He pulled up the bright yellow suitcase, and popped it in, easily closing the trunk when she was done.

"I'm warning you Baxter," he pressed another button and the two front doors slid up for them to climb into the car, "If you did anything to that suit..."

"I think I've outgrown that phase- get it? - anyways, maybe we could design a new one?"

"Is that you subtly hinting that you have no idea where it could be?"

"Something like that," she grinned at him, and Tony just ignored her big smile as he started the engine.

"You're lucky this team loves you," he sighed, pulling out of his parking space.

Hours went by driving in the car, and they only made one pit-stop during the whole trip. Tony didn't make much facial expressions, looking very deep in thought, ones that Bax felt too scared to ask about. The Talk Radio was basically the only source of sound coming from the car, as well as the tapping of Bailey's fingers on her phone case, checking the screen every now and then to see if she had received a text.

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