Chapter 9

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"You're all killers."

Bailey looked over to Natasha with a concerned look, but Nat just held red in her eyes, ready to tear the robot apart.

"Stark," Steve warned the man, all smiles that once covered everyone faces had fallen away.

"Jarvis," the man instead called out, trying to get an explanation to what was happening. Maybe it was Tony trying to prank them all?

"I'm sorry, I was asleep," The robot apologised, "or was I a-dream?"

Bailey reached under the sofa, where she felt the cool handle of a gun. There was a few stuck all around the show, just in case of emergencies such as this, but the only other gun she could recall was the handgun under the bar counter.

She raised the gun up, and Natasha caught a glimpse of what she was doing and gave a nod of approval. Bailey then loaded it with a click.

"Robot Legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit," Tony tried calling out to his system once more.

"There was this terrible noise," the broken robot complained, raising its broken arm to its head as if it were experiencing headache.

"And I was tangled" he opened his arms wide, trying to give a visual representation of exactly what he was trying to say.

"Strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy."

"You killed somebody?" Bax asked, standing up from her seat in case she needed to shoot.

"Wouldn't have been my first call," the Robot tried defending itself. "But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices."

"Who sent you?" Thor asked with authority and leadership.

They all then heard Tony's voice, but it wasn't coming from him: "I see a suit of Armor around the world."

The recorded voice was being spoken out from the Machine.

Tony's eyes widened in both shock and fear, and looked over to Bruce. Bailey followed his gaze, "Ultron," Bruce confirmed her suspicions.

"Ultron?" she asked with fury in her tone.

Natasha looked over at the men with disappointment laced in her eyes, she didn't understand what was happening, but almost everyone could see that this 'Ultron' was standing here because of the two scientists.

"In the flesh," he greeted, "or, no, not yet."

Eyes kept going back and forth between Bruce, Tony and Ultron. Everyone staring in disbelief and speechless from what they had accomplished, better yet, they were all curious as to why the boys had stooped so low.

"Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready," Bailey gripped the gun handle harder, expecting something to happen.

She watched Maria Hill slowly stand up, loading her own gun that she had retrieved from the sofa. They both shared a nod, and brought their focus back to the machine

"I'm on a mission," he explained.

"What mission?" Nat asked.

"Peace... in our time," the Iron Legion then burst through the wall, flying as everyone.

Bailey had to push Nat down onto the floor behind the sofa, and aimed her handgun. She began shooting each of the suits in nooks and crannies that exposed their power source, taking them down with a simple bullet.

One went flying at Steve, and he kicked the coffee table up so that the Armor would crash into it. That didn't do much as the table then went flying into Steve, kicking him down the glass ramp and knocking Maria to the ground.

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