Chapter 6

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Bailey walked barefoot across the cold, metal surface of the jet, aiming for the direction of Natasha and Bruce.

The past half an hour had consisted of Bax standing at Clint Barton's side, watching his chest rise and fall, while she held her own shoulder. It wasn't that hard to notice Bruce Banner sitting down, headphones covering his ears, and knees drawn to his chest. It also wasn't that hard to notice Nat sitting a few centimetres away, fully uncomfortable and not knowing how to string comforting words together.

"How did you come up with the Lullaby?" she asked the choleric woman.

"We needed trigger words, something Banner would be able to recognise through the Hulk," Nat leaned over and whispered to Bax, sending shivers go down the bottom of her back, and her chest ignited with a flame.

"I also preform hand gestures, specifically the touch of the inner wrist," Nat continued to explain, enjoying the distraction from her own thoughts about the Hulk.

"That part has a ton of sensitivity and is not likely to be touched that way by an enemy," Bailey then ended for her.

"Now you're getting the hang of it," The Redhead joked, and bumped shoulders with her.

"Sir, prepare for landing at Avengers Towers," Jarvis informed Tony over the large speakers.

"Sit tight," Stark warned everyone, and went to take control of the steering wheel.

Bailey moved into a more comfortable position in her seat, and debated against wearing the belt. She felt the jet turn to the right, and then twist around to land with the ramp closest to the building in order to push Clint out.

The turn was a little unexpected, and Bailey bumped into Nat, which caused the woman to catch Bax's arm so that she doesn't fall around some more. Bailey proceeded to cover up the increasing blush on her face with her Blonde hair, letting the long locks fall over her front shoulders.

The Avengers landed more smoothly than ever (presumably, Tony had been practicing) and the back started to fall down into the walk ramp for them to exit. Bailey watched as Maria and Cho stood waiting for them, anticipating looks on both faces.

As soon as the Jet stopped moving, Natasha was at her feet and helping the team of nurses move Clint to the Bruce's personal lab. Bax wasn't that far behind, following with her own nurse holding her up as they walked to get her shoulder checked up and healed.

They walked into a glass room, and laid Clint down on a bed, whilst Bailey sat on her own chair. A bunch of scans started taking place on her shoulder, and microfibers stitched up her broken tissue.

Nat walked over, not knowing how to react to the Spirit like woman's reactions, Bax's face scrunching up and her hands gripping the chair so hard

It came more as a shock when the redhead slipped her hand into Bax's own, and took a seat next to her. Bax looked up to meet her eyes, and all muscles immediately realised tension and she felt as if she could finally relax. The pain subsided, and Cho began cleaning the shoulder, meaning that the surgery was complete and the burn had been healed.

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