Chapter 13

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Bailey gave a sad look as she watched Thor rub his hands together.

He flinched each time she made a movement to comfort him. So, instead she sat next to Banner on the centre floor, tucking the blanket around him each time it fell off his shoulder.

"The news is loving you guys," Maria spoke on the jet speaker, she was on a call with Tony Stark.

Bailey stood up, leaving Bruce to stare off by himself, and walked to Clint's side. In passing, she touched the side of Nat's face, but the woman still didn't move her eyes, or even blink at the touch.

With a sigh, the woman fell into the co-pilot seat on Clint's right, and Tony sat in a passenger's seat behind them preoccupied with his phone or something.

"Nobody else is..." Maria continued, "There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's... in the air."

"The Stark Relief foundation?" Tony asked, hoping it would patch up the city and people caught in the fight.

"Already on the scene," she informed.

"How's the team?"

"Everyone's..." Tony started, taking a look at the mess behind him.

"We took a hit," Bailey sighed.

"We'll shake it off," Tony reassured.

"Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here," She warned them about what New York had to say about the team.

Tony leaned towards the monitor, and asked: "So, run and hide?"

"Until we can find Ultron," Maria tried to assure him that they could return soon.

"I don't have a lot else to offer," she added when she saw the disappointed look on Stark's face.

Bailey sighed, and looked at Stark.

"Neither do we," she said, turning their attention to the team that was trapped in their thoughts around them.

Tony then clicked the off button of the monitor without a goodbye, and just let it all sink in for the meantime.

He stood with a quick sigh, and walked to where Bax and Clint sat, standing behind them with an outstretched hand rested on both chairs head rests.

"Hey, you wanna switch out?" he asked Clint for the both of them.

"No, I'm good," his quirky voice denied the offer.

"If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time because we're still a few hours out," Clint directed to both of them.

"Few hours from... where?" Tony asked with uncertainty.

"A safe house," Bailey replied to him, and pushed herself out of her chair.

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