Chapter 2.2

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"How about those?"

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"How about those?"

Bax looked over to where Wanda pointed out a couple of strawberries.

"You haven't had enough Berry-Shakes?" Bailey teased, wiggling her eyebrow at the woman whilst she held up a white plastic bag that held more fruit inside.

The Young Baxter had picked up her hobby of "Smoothie Making" for her family of a team, making the boys a protein shake and the girls a high-iron shake every now and again. Wanda had grown accustomed to the sweet berry one that held little blueberries, Strawberries and raspberries.

"Is a banana supposed to be a little green?" Same asked them, holding up one of the fruits to eye-level.

He had been dragged along to the small farmers market, like usual whenever they went out shopping. His dark sunglasses matched the two girls, and he acted like a lost puppy following them around as he constantly pointed out the fact that they both wore his gift to them. Ray-Bands.

"Yes," Bax snatched it away, "Then, when you want to eat it later it will be fully ripe instead of brown."

"Life-hack..." he whispered to himself, and then grabbed half a dozen of the banana's that were too green.

"Not those," Wanda rolled her eyes, and guided his hands to put them back down.

Bailey's laughter at the two slowly quietened when she watched a man in normal jeans and a sweater look back to them countless times. His glasses and long hair didn't hide the small ear piece that sat comfortably, or his moving lips that spoke to no one in particular.

"Let's go," she immediately ordered, throwing a five dollar bill to the vendor and bushing the kids away, yellow fruit still in their hands.

"What, what's wrong?" Wanda asked, a wave of nerves crashing in her stomach.

"Nothing, nothing," she repeated herself, biting her lip as she tried not to look over her shoulder and give the man away to them.

"Yeah, right," Sam scoffed, and pushed her hand off his shoulder whilst Bax tried to guide him further into the crowd.

The younger Avengers turned to look at her, chatter lighting up around the group and people complained as they had to push past due to the traffic they caused.

"Get me some of those melons?" she asked Wanda, smiling as a mask to cover up her panic when she watched the man creep closer to them in the reflection of Wanda's sunglasses.

"I'm just gonna pretend you're not acting completely suspicious to ease my own mind," Sam mumbled, and then tugged Wanda with him down the street of food carts.

Bailey let out a sigh of relief, and turned the minute the Agent was behind her, docking his face with one swift punch that knocked him out immediately. Screams filled the air as people moved further away, and Bax pretended to fall to the ground as if they had both hit one another.

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