Chapter 2.18

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The giant concrete door slid open by the use of hydraulics, and all heads jumped upwards to watch the figure slowly fall into the room, step after step

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The giant concrete door slid open by the use of hydraulics, and all heads jumped upwards to watch the figure slowly fall into the room, step after step.

Tony looked around to the circular room of prison cells, ones that should've been occupied with much more evil than what was inside. He recognised every face from a day ago, including one whose name he did not bother to learn before, but now Scott rang very familiar in his memories.

The large door made a great noise as it closed shut behind him, and Tony limped to the middle of the room, circling around and taking in every detail- including the cameras.

A sarcastic clap brought his concentrated attention away from cell doors, over to where a sad man leant over his seat.

"The futurist, gentlemen!" he announced Tony's arrival, "The futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not..."

He didn't sound angry at the end, more-so defeated, to Tony. He turned his head, and made a walk towards Clint's cell, sarcastic replies already forming in his mind but he thankfully thought better of it.

"Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they'd put you here. Come on."

Clint gathered the spit from his mouth, and spat it to the ground by his feet, "Yeah, well. You knew they'd put us somewhere, Tony."

Tony swallowed down the truth, and looked to his slinged arm, "Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey," he replied, flashing his eyes upwards with his charm.

"Right," Clint scoffed.

"This place is for maniacs. This place is for..."

"Criminals?" Clint offered, standing up from his seat and locking his jaw with tight fists, "Criminals Tony. Think that's the word you're looking for."

Clint's hands rested on the side of the bars, staring down on the smaller man with an intimidating manner, challenging him to disagree after all that had happened to the team thus far.

"Right? That didn't used to mean me, Or Sam, or Wanda... but here we are," he whispered the ending, leaning more into the cage of the cell.

"Because you broke the law."


"I didn't make you.

Clint hummed in agreement.

"You read it, you broke it."

"La, la, la, la..." Clint sang, turning his back towards the Stark as he pretended to ignore him.

"You... you got... someone died."

Clint whipped back around to face Tony, and slammed his hands against the cell bars. The hard impact leaving a ringing sound echoing throughout the small room.

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