Chapter 2.9

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Bailey dropped her arm from where it leant against the window

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Bailey dropped her arm from where it leant against the window.

London finally made up the ground beneath them, and it was time for her to go and be a caring friend for Steve.

She had never known Peggy Carter, the agent who helped create S.H.I.E.L.D and everything she knows to-date. The stories she had relived with Steve were remarkable, and she would've loved the woman if she had been given the chance to meet her in different circumstances or within Peggy's earlier years of life.

Although there could've been a life of another world, Bailey would forever be grateful she could be here for Steve in his time of grief. She knows how it feels to lose a loved one, even if the feeling is vaguely familiar because she lived it years ago.

With the thought of Steve on her head she took a step closer to the Church the ceremony would be held in.

Slow footsteps followed one another as she kept a look-out for a familiar face in the crowd, and smiled when she noticed Sam sitting a little way reading a laminated booklet.

Bailey walked over, careful not to disturb anyone else and took a seat next to one of her closest friends. She took note of another empty on his left, right next to the aisle, waiting for Steve.

"Hey," she smiled in a greeting, to which he smiled back to.

"Where's the Ship Wreck?" she asked him.

Without a word, he passes over the fixture list and pointed at a fine script. Pallbearer: Steve Rogers (Loving Friend and companion).

She nodded in a sad understanding, happy that there had been a spot found for Steve to fit into all of this. She barely read over the rest of the information, and anticipated the moment Steve would walk through the doors.

"You'd think they could at least write 'lover of the past' next to his name, instead," Sam snorted and shook his head, breaking her patients.

"This is a Christian church? Right?" she joked back to counteract his joke.

"Love means love. Come on, Bax. You should know this more than anyone," Sam bumped his shoulders against hers.

Without meaning to, Bailey's cheeks flushed a dull pink colour as she looked around to make sure no one heard what the Falcon ad to say.

"I swear to their god, Samuel-"

"Shh, here comes the man of the hour," he shushed her and nodded his head to where the music begun to sing.

Magnificent doors swung open as six men walked into the room. Sitting on their shoulders was a flag covering the most elegant coffin that movies would never be able to live up to. It was beautiful, and deserved to bear the beautiful soul that would rest inside it.

In the front of the pallbearers lined up on the right, Bailey could point out Steve from any distance. He was the sole person to put thought into the situation, wearing the only tears of the room.

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