Chapter 16

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Bailey sauntered back and forth in the lab, biting at her nails.

It had been well over an hour since she woke up, Clint explained the whole story back to her as she relieved the memories in her mind. Nat was gone, taken by Ultron. They had the cradle, and the body inside. She had definitely hit her head hard, hard enough to call Clint: "Bart Clinton". That didn't go down well.

She looked over to where Clint was crouched over the cradle, examining it, and Bruce sat at the side.

"Anything on Nat?" she immediately walked towards Tony when he entered the room and asked.

"I haven't heard," he replied, "But she's alive or Ultron would be rubbing our faces in it."

That didn't make Bailey feel better at all. Ultron could be doing anything to her right this moment, and it would all be Bailey's fault if something did happen to the Red-head. Bax knew it fell on her shoulders because she was the one who was supposed to be looking out for her teammate at the time. If she had just held o tighter, or if Ultron had grabbed her instead...

"This is sealed tight," Clint informed them, slamming his palm on the top of the cradle and catching all of their attention. He then jumped down from it, swinging his arms back and forth.

They all walked towards one another, meeting in a group.

"We're gonna need to access the program, break it down from within," Bruce laid his hands on the cradle.

Bax looked over to Tony, trying to get him to translate to her or at least give her and order so she wouldn't feel so useless standing around the group that could just about hack into anything. She knew the billionaire already planned his next move, although she didn't know exactly where he would be sitting his chess piece.

She then looked to Clint only to figure he was thinking the same as he stood with his arms crossed and a locked jaw. Tony turned to the man as well, "Any chance Natasha might leave you a message outside the internet? Old-school spy stuff?" he asked him, and placed his hands in the pockets of his pants.

Tony wanted them out the room, he wasn't at all concerned for the Red-haired Spy.

"There are some nets I can cast..." Clint warily spoke back.

"We'll find her," Bailey's mind got cast away from whatever Tony was scheming, and landed on the dart board with Nat's face planted on. Her main concern was finding her friend, and the only woman to ever set a fire into her stomach, first and foremost.

Clint sighed, and beckoned her over to which she obliged. As she reached his side, his arm slung over her shoulders and guided her down a stairwell that would lead to an old computer room used for Stark industries.

Clint immediately busied himself with one of the computers, barely wasting time to even grab for a chair. Bailey pulled one out from a nearby desk, and rolled it closer to him, then pulled another for her to sit in.

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