Chapter 21

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"What do we do now?"

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"What do we do now?"

Bailey looked around the room at all the faces that sat round the long, glass table that had cracks decorating the centre. She swung her chair side-to-side, her hand only softly pushing off the table top.

They called the team in for one last meeting, an entire week after the battle in Sokovia. Truth is that no one really knew what to do now, they all felt lost and like they needed to find themselves once again after all that had been witnessed.

"Do we... go after Banner?" she asked the team softly, "Build this place back up, run the business?"

"Do we end the team all together?" Tony mocked her, "No, we don't. We do what we are trying, and we stick together."

Bailey personally felt as if the building had been through enough, and converting it back to the Stark Towers for Pepper would be the best idea. Also, staying so open in public eye obviously proved its flaws to the team. If they were all going to stay together, they needed to stay in an isolated facility.

Looking out the windows of Avenger's Tower, she could see the big 'A' reflecting off a nearby building. Bax brought her head back to look at Tony.

"I'm all for building a new facility. Lord knows I've got the money for it, and we all know we could use the safety and room."

"How generous of you," Nat rolled her eyes from her corner seat.

"If we are getting a new facility, can I call shots on there being a Cinema?" Bailey jokingly asked.

"Well, don't count a new floor for me," Clint sighed, looking up from where he sat staring at a picture, "I'm going home, and I mean it. I'm gonna be a retired old man- don't call me when I'm gone," he pointed a finger at the group of people.

"What are we supposed to do? God knows this'll all go to shit if you leave," Bailey looked at him, and they shared a grin.

"Who says it'll be entire floors to yourself again? I'm thinking one big warehouse with each to their own room, small personal space. I'm kind of over the grand, big look," Tony shrugged, picking at his bandage on his hand.

"You enjoyed bunking with Steve at Barton's that much?" Nat teased him.

"Could throw a similar question to you," Tony rerouted the shot.

Never the less, the two women made a small smile and briefly looked to one another.

"I wouldn't say it was too bad..." The group laughed at Bailey who just raised her eyebrows and shoulders as a joke, sarcasm picked up from Clint over the past weeks.

Steve clapped a hand onto her shoulder, "I'm sure we all agree, that not being 'too bad' is definitely something you two needed."

"Thanks, Roger Rabbit," she patted his hand, pretending to understand what he meant.

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